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          The Kimiad golf and leisure facility is located in Moreleta Park, Pretoria East. The
          80 hectare farmstead offers a variety of facilities that the community can enjoy, the

          main one being an 18-hole executive golf course and driving range. Around the
          golf course there are restaurants, a retail nursery, a fruit and vegetable market, yoga
          studio, padel park and coffee shop.

          Project Team
          Client: Kimiad
          Landscape Architect: Michael Meyer
          Landscape Design & Installation:
          Garden Gate Landscaping

          A flowering perennial border edging the putting green, with taller growing Dyschoriste thunbergiiflora screening the parking area at the back

             he client briefed Arné Minnaar of   the contours of the existing landscape,   people would be drawn to. The new garden
             Garden Gate Landscaping to upgrade   bringing the flow of the landscape to visitors’   beds were required to balance the sloping
          Tthe  facility  according  to certain   attention. In addition, the garden beds were   landscape and include textural and seasonal
          guidelines, and she needed to ensure that   required to focus on Kimiad’s existing trees   floral details.
          the landscaping was indigenous, water wise,   and their ‘awe-inspiring presence’. Planting   The planting design inside the beds used
          low maintenance and with functional public   details inside the beds are designed to uplift   foliage  texture  and  seasonal  flowers  to
          spaces  and  wildlife  activities.  Importantly,   visitors who come to the farm to relax and   add layers of interest. It was also important
          it was to serve as a seasonal floral tribute   unwind.                to retain Kimiad’s existing giant trees
          to Michael Meyer’s late mother, Marianna   The new gardens were also required to   comprising  Eucalyptus grandis, Tipiana tipo
          Meyer, who passed away in 2022.    consider existing walkways, putting greens   and Celtis africana. Minnaar says the gardens
                                             and  the  driving range.  Planting  needed   now “add to the flowing golf course with its
          Design aspects                     to  create  new  vistas,  accentuate  existing   waterways and soft, leafy overstorey.”
          Minnaar’s  landscape  design philosophy   views, add interesting progression points   She says that although the  Eucalyptus,
          was to create garden beds that built on   to the walkways, and create places that   Tipiana and  Pinus pinata trees are not

          12    Landscape SA • Issue 140  2024                           Check us out
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