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          Indigenous Euclea crispa (Blue guarri) tree behind the white umbrellas, with   A grouping of perennials at the water’s edge; Brillantasia subulugurica in the
          foreground planting showing the benefits of regular pruning that keeps shrubs   foreground plays its flowers off against the silver-grey Helichrysum petiolare
          healthy and stimulates new growth

          When the Agapanthus flowering season fades, many other species show themselves, such as the Tecomaria,
          Plumbago and Plectranthus seen here
          This led to the installation of ‘crazy paving’   putting green gardens, and new garden
          for all existing driveways and parking areas.   beds were designed to complement the
          As Kimiad is essentially a farmstead, finishes   contours and accentuate walkways. There is
          were kept to corrugated iron roofing and   a mass planting of Helichrysum petiolare, with   The pink flowering Pride of India tree is part of the
          corrugated iron water tanks.       Crassula multipartum as a groundcover that   farmstead’s history and original planting scheme
                                             could bring sun and shade areas together.  from 50 years ago. Crocosmia and Arctotis become
          Rosewood garden 2020                Kimiad’s numerous trees are maintained   self-sowing after the first planting.
          The  Rosewood garden consists of a large   by Tree Care Pretoria and wood chip mulch
          triangular bed and a log pole fence and   is freely available on the premises. Garden   spatulata and Euryops were used.
          terrace, installed by the owner’s own   Gate Landscaping ensures that all the
          contractor. The garden has full sun exposure,   gardens are constantly covered in mulch to   Irrigation and maintenance
          enabling Garden Gate Landscaping to plant   control weeds.            An irrigation system is in place for the upkeep
          flowering perennials.  They focused on the                            of the golf course, and garden beds have
          size of species groupings and textural impact   Driving range 2022    their own lines connected to the system.
          to ensure year-round interest. Aloe stratulata   The driving range is backed up by a large   The condition of the flowering perennials is
          (Kraal Aloe) was used for its rich texture and   body of water and after the removal of 12   proof of regular watering.
          early summer flowers.              giant  Eucalyptus trees in 2022,  Eugenias   Garden  Gate  Landscaping  is  responsible
           Other flowering  plants  include  Leonotus   growing in between them were able to   for a seasonal feeding and pruning
          leonurus,  Dyschoriste  thunbergiiflora,  flourish. The client requested Garden Gate   programme to keep the perennials and
          Plumbago alba,  Crocosmia  and  Tecomaria.   Landscaping to rehabilitate the water’s   shrubs tidy and flowering.
          Euryops pectinatus and  Pelargonium are   edge and they harvested a large amount of
          all-year flowerers and are well-fed and well-  Juncus krausii from a nearby spot. Brillantasia   SALI Award
          pruned.                            subulugurica, found growing in other areas,   Garden Gate Landscaping received a gold
           Kimiad has abundant water and is   was also used.                    award in the 2024 SALI Awards of Excellence.
          considered a stormwater  ‘hotspot’ for this                           The project was entered in the category of
          municipal area, which is the heart of the   Clann time garden 2023    Landscape Design and Construction.
          Moreleta Spruit.                   This has a different look and feel, with
                                             more sunlight but a lower profile than the   Information supplied by Arné Minnaar of Garden
          Putting gardens 2021               putting garden.  Texture was important   Gate  Landscaping.  Photos by Sonja Meyer
          The Rosewood garden integrates with the   and  Helichrysum, Plumbago alba, Crassula   (Namibia)  0264  81 668 8794.

          14    Landscape SA • Issue 140  2024                           Check us out
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