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          This prominent financial services provider (FSP) in Johannesburg has been in
          South Africa for over 60 years, with Execuflora having been its service provider for
          approximately 20 years, forging a professional relationship with it.

          Joe Paine Messo wall planters            Joe Paine Kreep wall planters

              he  client  provided  two briefs,   The building is divided into four themes,   Design concept and plant placement
              the first from the interior design   namely Witwatersrand, Gold Rush, Joburg   Plants are placed strategically around the
          Tcompany which  was  tasked  with   Hustle and Man-Made Forest.       offices,  using  troughs  as  screening  for
          revamping the entire building.  The                                   meeting areas.  Wall planters were used as
          building was broken up into two sections,   For the inner section, Execuflora worked   ‘artwork’ pieces to spark interest and to free
          the inner section, which comprised the   with neutral colours such as white,   up floor spaces in passages. Shop-fitted
          reception, meeting areas, atriums and   charcoal and grey, bringing in colour   planter boxes were also used in pause areas
          pause  areas.  In  the  case  of  the  second,   elements of the themed area where they   and throughout the open plan areas.
          outer section, namely the open plan areas,   could.  This  was  done  without  taking
          Execuflora collaborated with the client   away from the initial design but rather   Noeleen Shum, key account manager, says
          directly.  This was a six-month process.   complementing it.          she had to take the lighting conditions into
                                                                                account using soft planting to complement
                                                                                the design of the building.  “We used
                                                                                waterwise plants in order to comply with
                                                                                Green Building Council specifications. We also
                                                                                installed two green walls in the main atrium
                                                                                of the building; these were attached to the
                                                                                lifts on either side of the atrium. Around the
                                                                                ledges which overlook the main atrium, we
                                                                                installed planter boxes with cascading plants
                                                                                to add to the aesthetics of the space.”

                                                                                Plants and containers chosen
                                                                                A variety of plants was carefully selected
                                                                                according to the lighting conditions, and
                                                                                Execuflora opted not to use mixed planting as
                                                                                different varieties require different watering
                                                                                schedules.  In  planter  boxes,  varieties  of
                                                                                Aglaonema, Spathiphyllum and other soft leaf
                                                                                species were used, while Scandens was used
          Built-in planter boxes with seating, planted with Asplenium nidus ‘Bird’s Nest Fern’  in the wall planters.

          18    Landscape SA • Issue 140  2024                           Check us out
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