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           For over 40 years, Multi-Sharp has been at the forefront of sharpening technology,

           providing gardeners, DIY enthusiasts and homeowners with the tools they need
           to keep their equipment in peak condition. Developed in the UK, Multi-Sharp
           specialises in creating sharpeners for almost every tool in the house and garden,
           ensuring that your tools are always ready for action.

           A sharpening solution for every tool
           Whether you’re trimming hedges, chopping
           vegetables or drilling into wood, having
           sharp, well-maintained tools is essential
           for efficiency and precision. Multi-Sharp
           offers a comprehensive range of sharpeners
           tailored to meet the specific needs of
           different tools.
            In  the  garden,  Multi-Sharp  provides
           sharpening solutions for secateurs, loppers,
           shears, lawnmowers, chainsaws and other
           essential tools.  These sharpeners are
           designed to handle the unique demands of
           garden tools, ensuring a clean, precise cut
           every time.
            For  the  DIY  enthusiast,  Multi-Sharp’s
           range includes sharpeners for drill bits,
           wood chisels, plane blades, gouges,
           multi-tool blades and pointed tools. Each
           sharpener is crafted to restore the cutting
           edge to its original sharpness, prolonging
           the life of your tools and improving their
            In   the   home,   Multi-Sharp   offers
           sharpeners for scissors, knives, choppers,
           mezzalunas  and  other  kitchen  tools. With
           these sharpeners, you can keep your
           kitchen tools in top condition, ensuring
           that every cut is as smooth and precise as
           the first.
           Precision engineering for perfect
           One of the key factors that set Multi-Sharp   drill bit.  This attention  to detail ensures   customers can always trust that their tools
           apart is its commitment to precision. Each   that your tools are sharpened efficiently   will be sharpened correctly, no matter how
           tool in your collection has a specific cutting   and effectively, regardless of the material   technology evolves.
           angle that must be maintained for optimal   they’re made from.
           performance.  Multi-Sharp’s  sharpeners  are                          Sharper today, stronger tomorrow
           engineered to sharpen at the correct angle   Innovation and adaptability  Multi-Sharp  is  more  than  just  a  brand;  it’s
           for each tool, thanks to built-in location   At Multi-Sharp, innovation is a continuous   a promise of precision, performance and
           guides that take the guesswork out of the   process.  The company regularly monitors   perfection. Whether you’re tending to your
           process.                           the marketplace to identify new models of   garden, tackling a DIY project or preparing
            The material used in sharpening is just   mowers, shears, drill bits and other tools. If   a meal, Multi-Sharp ensures that your tools
           as important as the angle. Multi-Sharp   necessary, they update their sharpeners to   are  always  at  their  best.  With  sharpeners
           uses  the  correct  sharpening  material  for   ensure they continue to sharpen efficiently,   designed for every tool and material, and
           each  tool,  whether  it’s  diamond  for  very   keeping pace with the latest developments   a commitment to innovation and quality,
           hard stainless steel or silicon carbide for   in tool design. This commitment to staying   Multi-Sharp is the ultimate solution for
           the tungsten carbide tip of a masonry   ahead of the curve means that Multi-Sharp   anyone who values the art of sharpness.  n

                            For more information and to explore the full range of Multi-Sharp products, visit
                       Remember, a well-sharpened tool not only makes your work easier but also ensures that you get the best results every time.

           Check us out                                              Landscape SA • Issue 141  2024    15
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