Page 12 - Landscape-Issue144
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          Artificial turf play space for residents in the apartment building             Planting alongside the artificial turf play space

          Artificial turf soccer field for use by Curro students

          The children’s playground

          motor skill development.           also reduces the risk of injury, allowing   On the 8th floor, a social/entertainment
           The play area was built to accommodate   activities to take place in a durable play   area for residents contains braai facilities,
          up to 20 children at the same time and   environment. The structure itself has also   seating and large concrete pots planted
          is spacious enough for them to interact   been built to meet safety standards and   with Spekboom.
          safely with one another, while enjoying all   certifications.
          the features. The design allows for them   A  synthetic  turf  soccer  field  is  part  of   Next phase
          to engage simultaneously across the area   the Curro School and may be used by   Phase 2 of the development will be
          with a variety of equipment to play with,   its students only. As with the plants, a   launched  in  February  2025.  The  Early
          including a safe fall area with wet pour   crane  was  required  to  bring  in  the  river   Bird Creche will begin operating in the
          rubber for the surface material. This meets   sand and other materials required for its   second quarter of 2025, as part of Phase
          all  the  required  safety  standards  and   construction.            1 (currently under construction).   n

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