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          The Welgemoed City Improvement District (WCID) is undertaking an upgrade of
          its public parks, with a dual focus on reintroducing biodiversity and enhancing
          public usability. Sluysken Park was identified as the flagship of this revitalisation
          programme,  following  extensive  public  interaction  and  surveys  to  obtain  the

          community’s input.

          Project Team                       It  also  integrates  seamlessly  with  the   Hard landscaping aspects of the
          Client: Welgemoed City Improvement   pedestrian network, enriching both the   park
          District                           ecological value and the aesthetic appeal   Residents stressed that an important
          Landscape Architects and Project   of the park.”                      aspect of park upgrades is the
          Managers: Truform Landscape         Snyders says that  “public spaces are   enhancement of playgrounds and social
          Architects                         about  creating  connection  between   areas designed to be inclusive for all ages.
          Landscape Contractor: Arrow        community  members  and  between   To address the challenges of harsh sun
          Landscapes                         people and nature.  The broader benefits   and to ensure safety, rubber surfaces have
                                             of this are a healthy, happy  community.”   been installed beneath play structures,
                                             He adds that the community-centric   while playground equipment has been
                                             design of Sluysken Park has  created green   crafted from treated timber, which
              s part of the public participation   spaces that encourage connection and   remains cooler to the touch during  hot
              process, residents were asked for   socialisation by providing activities for all   weather.
         Atheir preferences and suggestions   age groups. “These have been created with   For hard surfaces, durable clay paving
          regarding park features.  The feedback   multi-generational enjoyment in mind,” he   has been chosen for its resilience and
          gathered formed the foundation of the   explains. The following features have been   warm, earthy appearance, reinforcing the
          design proposals, ensuring that the   included:                       park’s natural aesthetic. Additionally, to
          upgraded  park  not  only  supports  local   •   a playground for children’s fine and   enhance the environmental sustainability
          wildlife and native plant species, but also   gross motor skills development;  of the park, furniture is constructed from
          includes facilities and amenities that cater   •   a pump track for high energy activities;  recycled  concrete  that  incorporates
          for the community’s recreational needs.   •   a simple mountain bike trail;  recycled  plastics,  fibers  and  wood.  This
           The  project  proceeded  through  •   a concrete table tennis facility;  approach not only supports eco-friendly
          phases of feedback collection, design   •   a  shaded  picnic  area  and lawns  for   practices but also integrates innovative
          development,  community  review  and   family gatherings and sports; and  design elements that contribute to the
          final  implementation,  with  the  goal  of   •   quieter  spaces with social  furniture   park’s overall functionality and appeal.
          creating vibrant, functional spaces that   for teenagers, which complement the   According to Snyders, the project aims
          reflect residents’ desires and contribute to   existing aeroplane jungle gym.  to link parks by means of pedestrian
          environmental sustainability.       Central to the park’s design is the   walkways that encourage the flow of
                                             reintroduction  of urban biodiversity   foot traffic and discourage community
          Landscape design concept           through the planting of threatened   members from using cars. This not only
          Welgemoed is a typical suburb where   Renosterveld vegetation.  This not only   reduces carbon emissions but also
          parks and public spaces have fallen into a   revitalises the park with seasonal changes   benefits residents’ health, as walking
          state of disrepair, and the WCID is leading   but also attracts diverse fauna, contributing   is known to improve the quality of life
          a transformative revitalisation effort to   to a thriving ecosystem within the suburb.   across all age groups.  Walkable green
          improve its parks, promote pedestrian   Sluysken Park serves as a vital link in a   spaces are also known to be effective in
          movement and reduce vehicular traffic   broader network of interconnected green   reducing crime.
          within the suburb.                 spaces, emphasising the role of parks in
           Pedestrian networks linking multiple   promoting environmental stewardship and   Landscape installation
          parks and green public spaces are   enhancing the community’s quality of life.   This was undertaken by Grant Barrett
          increasingly being recognised for their   The transformation of the park showcases   of Arrow Landscapes who says he
          vital role in enhancing biodiversity   the importance of green infrastructure   “interpreted  and  implemented Snyders’
          and promoting community well-being.   and community engagement in creating   vision for the park.”  The challenges
          The focus on biodiversity reflects the   vibrant urban environments that benefit   he faced included rain, the slope and
          origin of the project: a small, volunteer-  both residents and local wildlife.  contours  of  the  site,  and  ants  in  the
          driven initiative to rehabilitate surviving   Five thousand plants have been planted   paving.  In  the  case  of  the  slopes  and
          fragments of the critically endangered   in the park, representing more than 60   contours, he says he resolved these by
          Swartland Shale Renosterveld in the WCID   different species, ten of which are on the   “working with nature, and not fighting it.”
          open spaces. This is a crucial component of   Red Data List.  These plants have been   Following the completion of Sluysken
          the local ecosystem, and the project uses   propagated from cuttings and seeds   Park, four more parks within the WCID will
          only endemic plant material propagated   collected in natural remnants within a   be upgraded over the next five years.
          from a broad gene pool to enhance   12 km radius of WCID to protect the genetic
          genetic diversity and resilience.   integrity of the neighbouring  Tygerberg
           Landscape architect  Timothy Snyders   Nature Reserve.  The project is unique in   Information supplied by Timothy Snyders of
          says that this approach aims to “kickstart   that there has been experimentation with   Truform Landscape Architects
          backyard biodiversity, fostering a richer   Renosterveld species that are not generally   Photos supplied by Nadia Roussouw Public
          and more sustainable local environment.   available for use in landscaping projects.  Relations    n

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