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           Collaboration between the African Conservation  Trust (ACT) and the Social
           Employment Fund (SEF) is not only transforming lives and landscapes, but is a

           catalyst for meaningful change.

               EO of ACT, Francois du Toit says: “As   Around  2  500  participants  in  ACT’s   Fostering sustainable futures
               one of the strategic implementing   SEF projects earn stipends but are   ACT’s  efforts  demonstrate  the  value  of
          Cpartners of  the SEF,  we connect   also encouraged to volunteer in their   blending social, environmental and economic
           unemployed  individuals  with  meaningful   communities. Over 67 000 unpaid   goals. From repairing eroded landscapes
           work that benefits both communities and   ‘volunteer days’ have been spent repairing   to generating income for underprivileged
           ecosystems.” ACT has a large footprint   roads, maintaining school grounds and   households,  the  projects  reflect  a holistic
           across four provinces: KZN, Free State,   collecting plastic waste.   approach  to  conservation.  The  SEF
           Limpopo and Mpumalanga, and manages   In  addition,  the  SEF  participants  have   programme also provides a springboard for
           diverse projects.                  donated more than 38 tons of produce   participants  to  secure  permanent  roles  or
            These include community food gardens,   to community centres, feeding schemes   start sustainable businesses, paving the way
           agro-ecological  training,  invasive  species   as well as vulnerable households.  The   for a better future.
           eradication  programmes,  soil  erosion   projects foster a spirit of service and when   “SEF gives discouraged job seekers
           rehabilitation, rock art monitoring projects   neighbours help each other, they unite   purpose,”  says  du  Toit.  “It  allows  them
           and energy solutions for small businesses.   communities.             to support their families and uplift their
           All are aimed at building a legacy of                                 communities.”
           sustainability in the environmental and   Transforming lives            As ACT gathers data on the programme’s
           conservation sectors. Collaboration with   The SEF goes beyond employment and   outcomes and explores retail partnerships
           traditional  structures  and  community-  improves  participants’  future  career   for wood sales, its commitment to creating
           based organisations ensures that these   prospects through vital work experience,   a thriving conservation economy remains
           initiatives are local and impactful.  alongside   building   self-worth   and   steadfast. By investing in people and the
            ACT,  a  24  year  old  NGO,  is  leading   providing  lifestyle  skills.  ACT’s  agro-  planet, ACT is proving that sustainable
           a transformative vision for southern   ecological  training,  which  includes  development benefits everyone.
           Africa’s  conservation  economy.  Du  Toit   ongoing mentoring, provision of tools
           explains:  “Our goal is a world where   and PPE, seedlings and agricultural   About SEF
           people thrive on a profitable planet by   materials, equips individuals to grow   The Social Employment Fund was established
           investing in our most precious asset   organic,  chemical-free  produce  that  can   by the Presidential Employment Stimulus
           – planet earth – through a system that   be consumed at home, sold for profit or   as  a  response  to  the  COVID-19  pandemic.
           is  socially  equitable,  environmentally   donated to those in need.   It  has  created  140  000  jobs  nationwide
           restorative and economically just.”  On  average,  each  participant’s  work   since  its  inception  in  2021.  The  Industrial
                                              supports eight family members, meaning   Development Corporation is at its helm as
           Food security meets conservation   the programme directly and indirectly   fund manager.
           ACT’s  work  demonstrates  the  powerful   benefits over 22 000 people.
           link  between  food  security  and  wildlife   Participants also develop entrepreneurial   About ACT
           conservation.   In   collaboration   with   skills to secure income beyond the SEF   This  is  a  broad-based  environmental,
           SANParks and the Sabi Sands Pfunanani   stipend.  In  KZN,  landscape  restoration   conservation  and  heritage  organisation,
           Trust, it established over 36 community   teams clear invasive bush to restore   founded  in  2000.  It  implements  a  diverse
           food gardens near the Kruger National   grasslands, earning an income from wood   range of projects and programmes, with a
           Park, benefiting residents and ecosystems.   sales and service hire, while improving   strong focus on collaboration and bringing
           In northern KZN, similar gardens and bush   livestock grazing areas.  These projects   ecological agriculture to communities. ACT
           thinning projects enhance habitats near   are aligned with local cultural and   envisions a world that can sustain human
           rhino reserves such as Manyoni, Mkhuzi and   environmental  priorities,  ensuring  long-  life with abundant natural resources which
           Hluhluwe-iMfolozi.                 term sustainability.               people can use to survive and flourish.

           ACT permaculture training course  SEF participant Bonolo Moloi   SEF participant, Khumbulani   SEF participants with their seed production
                                    with produce from her garden  Ndaba, coordinator for rock art              n
                                                         site monitoring
           Check us out                                              Landscape SA • Issue 145  2025    13
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