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In November 2024, the University of Pretoria (UP) School of Architecture celebrated
its annual valediction exhibition for their outgoing Master’s students in Architecture,
Landscape Architecture and Interior Architecture.
and practical skills necessary to shape the built environment
in innovative and sustainable ways. Graduates are not only
required to demonstrate technical prowess, but to also
explore the cultural, social and environmental dimensions of
their craft. The valediction acknowledges their achievements
while providing an opportunity for reflection on their
journey and future contributions to the architectural field.
After attendees had perused the student work, the prize-
giving ceremony took place around the imposing atrium
space. Members of the post-graduate faculty, as well as
representatives from PPS and Corobrik, highlighted the
importance of built environment professionals as innovators
of sustainable design in a rapidly changing world. Graduates
were commended for their perseverance and creativity –
qualities honed over years and amid the global upheaval of
the COVID-19 pandemic.
The ceremony also included the presentation of awards
recognising exceptional achievement. Notable accolades
included the Regional Corobrik Architectural Student of
the Year Award which was awarded to Shannon Rees, and
Josephine du Plessis was awarded the Matthysen Design
Bursary to pursue her Masters in Landscape Architecture at
UP in 2025.
The valediction exhibition is not only a farewell but
a celebration of potential. The graduates join a notable
network of alumni who continue to make significant
contributions to the design of the built environment in
South Africa and beyond – creating spaces that inspire,
uplift and endure.
Text and photos supplied by Ruth Manda, landscape architect at
Kerrin and Co (K+CO)
Atrium space with attendees browsing student work over three floors
he event celebrated the culmination
of years of rigorous study, creative
Texploration and professional
development, and served as a testament
to the extraordinary talent and dedication
of the graduating class of 2024.
The central feature of the event was the
exhibition of the Master’s students final
design projects which were displayed over
various rooms, allowing attendees to also
explore the Boukunde building. Projects
ranged from urban renewal initiatives
to green building designs, reflecting the
Departments’ commitment to addressing
critical global challenges such as rapid
urbanisation and climate change. Each
project was a thoughtful synthesis of
visionary ideas, technical consideration
and a thorough understanding of the
local context – particularly within the City
of Tshwane.
The Master’s degree is a major
milestone in architectural education,
equipping students with the theoretical Prize-giving ceremony n
Check us out Landscape SA • Issue 145 2025 9