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          Workshop 17 at Hyde Park Corner, Johannesburg, comprises multi-purpose and

          flexible work spaces within an urban, green environment. Offices of various sizes
          and  configurations  are  available,  surrounded  by  terraced,  exterior  spaces.  In
          addition to working space, there are hospitality and services including meeting
          rooms, IT support and a café.

                                                                                   andscape architect Laurent Changuion
                                                                                   explains that his brief was to create a
                                                                               Lgreen rooftop garden for use by the
                                                                                tenants of Workshop 17. The area can also
                                                                                be used for functions.
                                                                                  Design challenges included the fact
                                                                                that the roof space is used for electrical, air
                                                                                conditioning, water storage and telecoms
                                                                                services, with their positions fixed. CLDS
                                                                                therefore  had  to  design  the  landscaping
                                                                                to accommodate these and also to screen
                                                                                them.  This was achieved by creating a
                                                                                modular  steel  frame  structure  with  mesh
                                                                                inserts.  The screens were covered with
                                                                                creeper plants to form vertical green
                                                                                elements that hide the services and at
                                                                                the same time, soften the space. After the
                                                                                screen layout was completed, spaces were
                                                                                created between these screens, which also
                                                                                serve as gathering nodes.
                                                                                Planting design
                                                                                Trees were planted in pots to create shade,
                                                                                and  their  positions  were  co-ordinated
                                                                                to adhere to engineering specifications.
                                                                                Planters were created with steel and mesh
                                                                                to form pockets of greenery, and colour
                                                                                was also an important consideration. As the
                                                                                interior design of  Workshop 17 is vibrant
                                                                                and colourful, the planting concept needed
                                                                                to link with the interior design and allow
                                                                                the colours to flow from the internal spaces
                                                                                into the exterior gardens.
                                                                                  Changuion  explains  that  certain  cables
                                                                                could not be hidden under the gravel, so
                                                                                cover plates were created for these. After
                                                                                consulting with the  Workshop 17 team, it
                                                                                was agreed that the cover plates would
                                                                                feature a poem by Athol  Williams (*). A
                                                                                portion of this poem was chosen, and the
                                                                                text  was engraved into the rusted steel,
                                                                                creating interest and significance for users of
                                                                                the space.
                                                                                  Trees planted include  Olea africana
                                                                                and  Heteropyxis natalensis. Shrubs and
                                                                                groundcovers include  Aristida junciformis,
                                                                                Anthericum  saundersii,  Agapanthus
                                                                 Entrance signage  africanus, Aristea ecklonii, Dietes grandiflora,
                                                                                Gaura  lindheimeri,  Juncus  effusus,
          Project Team                                                          Plectranthus  variegata,  Pelargonium
          Client: Hyprop                                                        peltatum, Trachelospemum jasminoides,
          Project Manager: Orion                                                Portulacaria afra, Limonium perezii, Salvia
          Architects: Daffonchio Architects                                     ‘Hot Lips’, Strelitzia reginae and S. juncea.
          Landscape Architects: Changuion
          Landscape Design Studio (CLDS)                                        Landscape installation
          Landscape Contractor: Intle Garden Creation                           This was carried out by Gerrit Janse van
                                                                                Rensburg of Intle Garden Creation.

          4    Landscape SA • Issue 145  2025                            Check us out
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