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           REVIVE YOUR


           HARVEST THE


               on’t  let  dry  spells  diminish  your
               garden’s beauty this season! Enhance
          Dyour landscapes by harnessing the
           natural resource of rainwater. By collecting   rainwater for later use, making irrigation   management solutions, you can:
           and storing it, you can ensure a consistent   efficient and eco-friendly.  •  Ensure  healthy  landscapes: Keep your
           water supply for your garden, even during                              designs flourishing, irrespective of the
           dry spells.                        Why harvest rainwater?              weather.
            This strategy will safeguard your   1.  Sustainable  water  source: Collecting   •  Boost  your  reputation: Show clients your
           landscapes and at the same time, contribute   rainwater allows you to tap into a free,   commitment to sustainable practices and
           to environmental sustainability. It is an eco-  natural resource that can be used   innovative solutions.
           friendly approach that reduces reliance on   for  irrigation  during  dry  periods  and   •  Increase   value   for   homeowners:
           municipal water systems, lowers water bills   throughout winter.       Landscapes designed to conserve water
           and helps conserve precious resources,   2.  Increased resilience: Landscapes equipped   not only look stunning but also represent a
           all while keeping your plants healthy and   to manage stormwater runoff can prevent   smart  investment,  adding  long-term  value
           thriving.                           dry spells from impacting their health and   to properties.
                                               appearance.                         By harvesting rainwater and managing
           Get creative with your designs     3.  Enhanced  aesthetics:  Incorporating   stormwater effectively, you can create vibrant,
            Here are some ideas to get you started:  features like dry river beds not only adds   resilient gardens that stand the test of time.
           •  Rain gardens: Design shallow depressions   visual interest to your landscape but also
           that capture rainwater, allowing it to soak   slows down surface runoff, promoting   Make January a month of
           into the ground while providing a habitat   better infiltration and healthier soil.  abundance:  Act now – Save water –
           for local wildlife.                                                   Let every drop count!
           •  Dry river beds: Create beautiful  features   Benefits for landscapers  Contact  the  Waterwise  website
            that  manage  stormwater  runoff,  As  a  landscaper,  you’re  tasked  with for more on water
            enhancing the overall landscape design.  meeting service level agreements, even in   conservation and implementing sustainable
           •  Water  storage  solutions:  Integrate  rain   challenging conditions. By implementing   landscaping practices that will elevate your
           barrels or cisterns to collect and store   rainwater harvesting and stormwater   designs and delight your clients.

                                                              FOR FURTHER
                                                             INFORMATION ON
                                                            WATER WISE, PLEASE
                                                             CONTACT US ON:
                                                              0860 10 10 60.

           Check us out                                               Landscape SA • Issue 145  2025    3
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