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Colour was an important factor for the roof garden, and the planting concept was to link the garden with the interior design, allowing the colours to flow from the
internal space into the garden.
teamwork created a good end result. introduced. The cubes were carefully it to be populated with a striking group of
The modular steel frame was designed designed with CLDS to ensure that interlocking green planted cubes.
as an architectural structure, with the steel over time, they will slowly fade into the The roof garden is not a stand-alone
mesh cubes encapsulating all the existing background as they become enveloped in feature, but rather seen as an integral part
roof services being a significant element the creeping plants that surround them. of the overall design. Dos Santos says that
of the roof garden. The strong geometries This will ensure that they are hidden one of the significant design challenges
of these cubes frame the various areas from view, as well as buffer any noise for the site was that the parking area for
of the roof garden, creating an interplay generated by the existing services inside. Workshop 17 is detached from the building,
with the softly curved elements that were The ultimate vision of the roof space is for being located on the northern corner of the
6 Landscape SA • Issue 145 2025 Check us out