Page 14 - Silver Lakes July 2021
P. 14

              ESTATE NEWS
                    TE NE

               DONATIONS TO THE

                  WOLLIES ANIMAL


                  ollies  Animal    Shelter,   They  strongly  believe  that if  people  are
                  affectionately referred to by most   educated on the benefits of sterilisation
           Was ‘Wollies’, started in 2003 from   and if these costs were more affordable,
           humble beginnings. Its initial purpose was   then there would be fewer abandoned,
           to sterilise as many animals as possible.  It   abused and homeless animals.
           did not end with this sterilisation project,
           however, and they started helping   When they started building their kennels,
           abandoned,  neglected  and  abused  they ensured that there was enough space
           animals.                           for the dogs to run and play, as they place
                                              a couple of dogs together in each kennel   The abandoned are happy and, although
           They subsequently became registered as   run.  This is not always easy but one has   the shelter is just a ‘halfway stop’ to their
           a non-profit, pro-life organisation which   the advantage that these dogs are then   forever  homes, their roads are paved
           does not receive any government funding.     socialised, which makes it a lot easier   with love, care and food in the time that
           Every cat and dog that is brought to the   when they are adopted by a family that   spent with Wollies ...  this final promise will
           shelter stays with them until they find their   already has other dogs.  always be true.
           ‘forever homes’.
                                              Volunteers,  from  all  walks  of  life,  have   “You will never go hungry again!  Never
                                              joined Wollies by sharing in their passion   need to be afraid again! You will receive
                                                 and burden and the unconditional   love and attention and have food every
                                                    love they have for these animals.   day.  You will have a warm bed to sleep
                                                     No   organisation  can  be  in, never be given up on or thrown away.
                                                        successful without hands   We promise that you will be loved and
                                                         and  hearts  of  gold  cared for, and that your new family keeps
                                                          holding these beliefs   the promise we have given you” - Wollies
                                                           together and paving   Animal Shelter Team.
                                                            the way forward for
                                                            these furry babies.  A big thank you to the Silver Lakes
                                                                                residents for your generous contributions
                                                             This was by no     to help Wollies animal shelter take care of
                                                              means an easy feat,   these beautiful animals, you are making a
                                                              but as we enter the   big difference.
                                                              shelter today – the
                                                              worries of the next
                                                             meal are washed    Nienke Moolman
                                                             away as you are    Marketing Manager
                                                             excitedly  greeted
                                                            by wagging tails and
                                                           purring bodies.  This is
                                                          when you know that the   For more information visit:
                                                         tears, the struggles, the
                                                        battles and  the constant   Call 079 916 4602  or
                                                      disappointment  were  all  067 356 3898 or
                                                     worth it at the end of the day!  email:

           12    INTRA MUROS JULY 2021
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