Page 49 - Silver Lakes_Issue 7_2022
P. 49
A sporting chance separate collection for women, was In conclusion, it goes without saying
Women’s participation in sport depends French tennis star and businessman that the accomplishments of women are
largely on their geographical location and René Lacoste. infinite, as is their influence in all spheres
nationality as it’s a cultural phenomenon • Alice Coachman, an American high- of life and work. But much still needs to
that is developing independently in jump athlete, was the first black woman be done to ensure equality with their
countries around the world. to win an Olympic gold medal in the male counterparts. There is still unequal
1948 Games in London. She was also representation of women in various
• In ancient times, the Olympics were the only American woman to win a gold professions and unequal pay, and gender-
traditionally held for men only, but medal at that event. based violence continues to plague South
women had their own games called • Swimmer Natalie du Toit is the first Africa and the world at large. Calls for
Games of Hera (Hera was the wife of female amputee to ever qualify gender parity to be recognised as a non-
the god Zeus in Greek mythology). for Olympic competition against negotiable right grow ever more urgent,
These were the first athletic able-bodied swimmers. In the 2008 with many famous personalities having
competitions for women and they Olympic Games, she swam 6.2 miles added their voices in activating for change:
helped undercut gender segregation of open water with no lower left leg or
in Greek society. Female adolescents prosthetic assistance. She finished in • “I’m glad we’ve begun to raise our
initially took part in the games, which 16th place in the women’s 10km race. daughters more like our sons, but it will
were considered a rite of passage into • The 2012 Olympic Games in London never work until we raise our sons more
adulthood. was the first-ever Olympic event where like our daughters.” – Gloria Steinem
• The first time women were allowed to all the participating countries’ teams • “It is time that we all see gender as
participate in the Olympic Games was had female participants. It was also the a spectrum instead of two sets of
at the 1900 event. Tennis was the first first event where there were female opposing ideals.” – Emma Watson
sport to include them. Out of a total participants in all the Olympic sports. • “Achieving gender equality requires the
of 997 athletes, 22 women competed And, for the first time, the US Olympic engagement of women and men, girls
in five sports: tennis, sailing, croquet, team fielded more female athletes and boys. It is everyone’s responsibility.”
equestrianism and golf. than males. The appearance of women – Ban Ki-moon
• The first exercise material for women at London 2012 from each of the 204 • “How important it is for us to recognise
was published in 1856 by Catherine participating nations heralded lasting and celebrate our heroes and she-roes!”
Belcher. change. Until the 1984 Los Angeles – Maya Angelou
• British-born figure skater Madge Cave Games, women were not even allowed • “Freedom cannot be achieved
Syers became the first woman to enter to run a marathon. unless women have been emancipated
the world championships when she • Long-distance runner Gerda Steyn is from all kinds of oppression.” – Nelson
discovered in 1902 that the competition the first woman to have completed the Mandela
did not specify the gender of the Comrades Marathon up-run in under six
participants. At the 1908 Olympic hours. She set this record in 2019. Happy Women’s Month!
Games in London, she won the first • We congratulate our national women’s
gold medal awarded in women’s figure soccer team, Banyana Banyana, on WIN THIS WOMEN’S DAY!
skating. being crowned champions of Africa To enter, complete the crossword puzzle
• The first fashion designer to launch after beating Morocco in the Women’s on page 45 and stand a chance to win a
high-quality tennis and golf shirts in Africa Cup of Nations final on 23 July voucher to the value of R1 000, generously
a wide range of colours, and with a 2022. You do us proud, ladies! sponsored by Soulstice Day Spa Pretoria.