Page 29 - Intra Muros November 2023 Issue
P. 29



                                                      By Elize Malan

             aisies  symbolise  purity,  love,  new   The seeds are sown in autumn but are so   with  a  brown  or  yellow  centre.  Plants  will
             beginnings  and  hope.  It’s  not   fine that mixing them with flour is advised.   stop flowering when night temperatures are
       Dsurprising: their simplicity and beauty   There’s  no  need  to  cover  them,  but  keep   above 20°C.
        uplift  our  spirits  and  enliven  any  garden.   them moist and they will germinate within
        There  are  several  species  of  daisies.  They   14  days.  Once  established  in  a  rockery,   Propagation  is  done  by  taking  cuttings  of
        are flowering plants belonging to the aster   new seedlings will re-appear the following   non-flowering stems. Keep the plants moist
        family.                              autumn.                              and they will root successfully. Keep mature
                                                                                  daisy  bushes  well-watered  as  drought  will
        Daisies have a composite flower head. The   Perennial indigenous daisies popular   cause dieback.
        head  can  have  15  to  30  white  ray  flowers   in gardens
        surrounding a centre that usually consists of                             Shasta daisy
        bright yellow disk flowers. Other colours are   Barberton daisy           This large white daisy is named after Mount
        also  common.  True  daisies  are  nyctinastic:   Hybrids of this daisy are grown for cut-flower   Shasta, a snow-capped volcano in California.
        The petals of the flower close at sundown   production  in  greenhouses  worldwide.  In
        and open at sunrise.                 your  garden  it  can  be  grown  from  seed   Grown  from  seeds,  the  plants  will  only
                                             and will flower after a year. Clump division   flower during the second year. Hybrids are
        South Africa is well-known for its indigenous   during spring will result in flowers that same   propagated by division in autumn or early
        flowers,  many  of  which  are  daisies.  They   summer.                  spring.
        are a common feature in winter rainfall
        regions  such  as  Clanwilliam  or  the  West   Like all daisies, this one will require full sun.   Smaller  varieties  make  good  edging  plants
        Coast  National  Park,  and  form  a  beautiful   Moderate  watering  and  regular  fertilising   and are impressive groundcovers. They will
        and colourful daisy carpet on sunny days in   will  encourage  plants  to  produce  an   flower up to three times during one summer
        springtime.                          abundance of flowers year after year.  season. Plants require moist conditions and
                                                                                  will enjoy afternoon shade in warm regions.
        Annual indigenous species that are   Cape daisy (Osteospermum)
        easy to grow                         This  is  a  popular  trailing  perennial,  but  it   The list of garden daisies is endless. You will
                                             won’t survive frost conditions. It is suitable   always find a daisy in the colour you want to
        Namaqualand daisy                    for groundcovers, rock gardens or hanging   plant in that special spot.
        The  plants  are  sown  directly  into  sunny   baskets.
        garden beds in autumn. They do not need                                   References:
        to be watered in winter rainfall regions. In   Only a few varieties are grown from seed.
        our  Gauteng  gardens,  the  seedlings  will                    
        require  some  watering  throughout  winter.   The  hybrids  available  in  nurseries  have
        The  autumn-shaded  flowers  produce  an   different-shaped  petals,  a  variety  of  single   how-tos/growing-daisies-2/
        abundance of seeds.                  and  double  colours  and  are  propagated
                                             from cuttings. Prune back leggy plants after   Tel: 012 804 1807
        Remember to collect the brown flat seeds   the flowering season and new side shoots   Fax: 012 804 0278
        before  they  blow  away.  Store  the  seeds   will develop.                  Web:
        in a paper bag to prevent mould until the                                    Email:
        following year and sow again.        Perennial daisies not indigenous but
                                             old-time favourites
        Livingstone daisy (Bokbaai vygie)
        A  succulent  annual,  it  is  low-growing  with   Marguerite daisy
        spectacular,  brightly  coloured  flowers  in   It’s  originally  from  the  Canary  Islands  and
        sunny gardens.                       has colours such as white, pink and yellow

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