Page 26 - Intra Muros November 2023 Issue
P. 26


              Congratulations to our November Garden winner: Dr Bitumba of 145 Gleneagles Road

              Vibrant colour, meticulous landscaping

            triking  Red  Trumpet  Lilies,  with   A  standout  feature  is  the  Tree  Tomato,  also   A stroke of creative genius is evident in the
            their bold red hues, are the focal   known  as  Tamarillo.  This  addition  brings  an   use  of  Duranta  hedges  in  the  tree  ponds.
       Spoint of the front garden, drawing   exotic  touch  to  the  garden,  showcasing  the   These  hedges,  with  their  vibrant  green
        admiration from passers-by.       owner’s willingness to experiment with unique   foliage,  serve  as  an  effective  barrier  while
                                          and unconventional plant varieties. The Tree   adding a touch of elegance to the tree pond
        There  is  also  a  diverse  array  of  plant   Tomato’s presence adds intrigue and charm.  areas. It’s an imaginative landscaping choice
        life  as  water-wise  succulents,  with                                 that shows design flair and an understanding
        their fleshy leaves and adaptive nature,   The  attention  to  detail  extends  beyond  the   of how elements can work in harmony to
        mingle  with  arum  lilies.  This  choice  of   plants to the perfectly manicured lawn, which   enhance the garden’s appeal.
        plants adds to the garden’s visual appeal   appears  as  a  lush  carpet  framing  the  floral
        and highlights the owner’s consideration   spectacle. The neat edges provide a polished   This  garden  is  a  winner  as  it  demonstrates
        for sustainable and climate-appropriate   finish that complements the overall aesthetic   the endless possibilities that can be achieved
        flora.                            of the garden.                        when nature and creativity converge.

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