Page 22 - Intra Muros November 2023 Issue
P. 22



            ilver Lakes is not only renowned for   How to book a tennis court     All  you  need  to  do  is  ensure  that  you
            its  golfing  facilities;  the  estate  also   To book a tennis court at Silver Lakes, all   have  loaded  funds  onto  your  account  at
       Soffers  fantastic  amenities  for  tennis   tennis  players  must  be  registered  on  the   the Pro Shop. Then confirm your booking
        enthusiasts.  We’re  talking  state-of-the-  court  management  system  before  online   at  the  tennis  hut  system,  and  the  lights
        art  courts,  expert  coaching  and  a  vibrant   bookings can be made.   will  automatically  switch  on  after  the
        sporting community – all of which makes                                   confirmation.
        Silver Lakes the ideal address for players of   You can register at the clubhouse reception
        all skill levels.                    and  then  make  your  own  bookings  after   Tennis court rules
                                             registration by using the convenient online   To  maintain  a  safe  and  enjoyable
        Silver  Lakes  boasts  top-tier  tennis  courts   booking system available on the estate app,   environment, Silver Lakes has specific rules
        featuring  well-maintained  surfaces  and   or log on to The system   for tennis court usage. These rules typically
        excellent  playing  conditions.  The  courts   allows you to select the desired date, time   include  regulations  regarding  appropriate
        have been designed to meet international   and duration of your game, making it easy   attire,  proper  conduct,  court  reservation
        standards,   ensuring   an   enjoyable   to secure a court that suits your schedule.   protocols,  and  adherence  to  fair  play
        experience  for  players.  We  have  recently                             principles.
        resurfaced  our  three  tennis  courts,  and   Playing at night and lighting on the
        they are looking beautiful and brand new.  court                          Correct footwear
                                             For  those  who  prefer  playing  tennis  at   Please remember to wear the appropriate
        Below is a reminder of some of the rules to   night, the tennis courts at Silver Lakes are   tennis  shoes  and  appropriate  clothing
        keep our tennis courts looking new:  equipped with advanced lighting systems.   when making use of the courts.

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