Page 18 - Intra Muros November 2023 Issue
P. 18


        The  hydrant  caps  and  seals  have  been   Water-supply valve damage (Silver   We  are  pleased  to  announce  that  the
        replaced,  and  all  hydrants  serviced  have   Lakes Drive)              structure  has  been  repaired  and  that
        received  a  fresh  coat  of  fire-engine  red   The  main  water-supply  valve  system   additional  barriers  will  also  be  installed
        paint.                               supplying  Silver  Lakes  Golf  and  Wildlife   by  our  maintenance  teams  to  further
                                             Estate  recently  had  a  close  call  due  to  a   strengthen  and  protect  the  critical  water-
        Residents,  please  ensure  that  foliage/  traffic  accident.  A  motor  vehicle  collided   supply valve system from future incidents/
        plants  that  are  planted  in  the  front  yard   with the structure containing the valve   accidents.
        are  managed,  so  that  that  fire  hydrants   system.  This  could  have  left  the  estate
        are  clearly  visible  to  emergency  services   without  drinking  water  for  an  extended   New residents welcomed to Silver
        in case of an emergency. The delay caused   period. Fortunately, that didn’t happen.  Lakes
        by having to search for concealed hydrants                                The Silver Lakes HOA would like to welcome
        could be disastrous – and this is what we’re                              residents  who  have  recently  made  Silver
        trying to prevent.                                                        Lakes their new home. This little one can
                                                                                  be viewed, if you are lucky enough, within
        Tree planting                                                             our game reserve. Welcome, little one!
        The time has arrived for the planting of new
        trees within Silver Lakes. The HOA, together
        with  The  Garden  Group,  have  started
        planting  trees  throughout  the  estate  in  a
        drive  to  create  a  beautiful  treescape  for
        years to come. Areas identified for possible
        planting  of  the  trees  are  being  marked
        by  The  Garden  Group  team.  Residences
        affected  are  receiving  communications,
        explaining  the  process  to  follow  going

        We  would  like  to  thank  those  residents
        who have responded positively to this drive
        to improve both the environment in which
        they  live  and  the  greater,  surrounding
        environs.  Let  us  all  bear  in  mind  the
        disastrous  consequences  of  deforestation
        and make an effort to reduce its impact.

                                                                                  The   team   continuously   attend   to
                                                                                  maintenance  and  repairs  around  the
                                                                                  estate.  We  thank  them  for  all  their  hard
                                                                                  work  and  attention  to  detail,  and  for
                                                                                  ensuring that the standard of living in our
                                                                                  estate remains high.

                                                                                  Walters Noordman
                                                                                  Operations Manager

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