Page 14 - Intra Muros November 2023 Issue
P. 14


                    SILVER LAKES WINS BIG AT THE

                BEST OF PRETORIA AWARDS 2023

             he Best of Pretoria Readers’ Choice   Arnold  Palmer  once  remarked:  “Golf   3. BEST COUNTRY CLUB
             Awards is administered by the city’s   is  deceptively  simple  and  endlessly   Silver  Lakes  also  won  Best  Country
        TRekord  community  newspaper.  It   complicated ... and it is without a doubt   Club for the second year in a row (this
        celebrates  Pretoria  and  gives  readers  an   the  greatest  game  mankind  has  ever   category was also added to the Best of
        opportunity to share what they believe are   invented.”  It  is  therefore  inspiring  and   Pretoria awards last year).
        the best things on offer in the capital city.   heartwarming to know that the residents
        This year’s winners have been revealed.  of  Pretoria  believe  that  Silver  Lakes  is   The  Country  Club’s  majestic  colonial-
                                             such  a  wonderful  golfing  destination.   style clubhouse offers spectacular views
        Silver Lakers, I’m sure you’ll agree that our   This  is  also  further  recognition  of  our   of the golf course and boasts a pro shop,
        beautiful capital city is world-class. Once   Peter  Matkovich-designed  18-hole  golf   halfway  house  café,  intimate  upstairs
        again, a nod of appreciation has gone to   course.                        members’ bar, wine cellar, convenience
        the businesses and institutions that make                                 store, banqueting facilities for weddings,
        Pretoria such a great place to live in, with   2. BEST ESTATE (PLACE TO LIVE)  birthdays  and  events  as  well  as  a
        Rekord  having  offered  its  readers  the   It is no surprise that we have won this   charming  restaurant  with  a  children’s
        opportunity  to  give  kudos  where  kudos   category for the second consecutive year   play  area  that  offers  a  family-friendly
        are due.                             (the ‘Best Estate’ category was added to   environment.
                                             the Best of Pretoria awards last year).
        We  are  ecstatic  to  announce  that  Silver                             The Country Club showcases a range of
        Lakes  Golf  and  Wildlife  Estate  won  four   As  a  formidable  industry  leader,  Silver   amenities  to  promote  various  outdoor
        categories in the Best of Pretoria Awards   Lakes  Golf  and  Wildlife  Estate  has   activities. You’ll find tennis courts, a small
        2023:                                successfully  cultivated  an  outstanding   sports field, play parks, a beach volleyball
                                             reputation and a true sense of belonging   area,  squash  courts,  various  outdoor
        1. BEST GOLF COURSE IN               in  the  east  of  Pretoria,  making  it  a   gyms  and  a  communal  swimming  pool.
        PRETORIA                             premier  piece  of  property  for  families   The  Country  Club  also  hosts  a  number
        The Silver Lakes Golf Club is no stranger to   wanting  to  embrace  an  idyllic  and   of active clubs, including a golf, fishing,
        this prestigious award – this is the seventh   secure lifestyle, yet remain conveniently   chess, bridge, tennis and squash club. It’s
        time that we have won this category!   located to the capital.            all about enjoying recreational activities.

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        12 | INTRAMUROS AUGUST 2023 NOVEMBER 2023
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