Page 10 - Intra Muros November 2023 Issue
P. 10




        Please give us a brief overview of what                                    Did you have any mentors or
        your work entails.                                                         people who influenced you? Tell us
        I  oversee  the  record-keeping  for  our                                  about them.
        beautiful golf course and the members who                                  My  Head  of  Audit  alerted  me  to  the
        enjoy it. I also oversee the golf days that are                            fast-paced  and  detail-oriented  aspects
        hosted as well as odds and ends to do with                                 of  accounting  as  well  as  to  the  ethical
        the  ProShop.  Associated  with  this  is  work                            values  and  sense  of  responsibility  that
        around controlling the debtors, creditors and                              come  with  taking  on  a  financial  role.
        stock. Wrapping it all up at month-end and                                 Also, my mother exemplified hard work
        seeing  all  the  figures  being  reconciled  and                          and  dedication.  She  pushed  me  to  go
        the reporting sorted is very satisfying.                                   beyond what I could imagine. Over the
                                                                                   years  and  after  Covid-19  hit  us,  I  came
        Please give a short summary of                                             to  recognise  the  importance  of  self-
        your qualification/s and past work                                         motivation and of not taking a moment
        experience.                                                                for granted. I believe in having quality of
        I  studied  accounting  at  the  University  of                            life and in valuing each life I encounter.
        Johannesburg and completed my articles at
        Ernest & Young and at RSM South Africa. I                                  What are your future plans?
        specialised in financial reporting, trusts and                             I am striving to grow daily in my job and
        deceased  estates  and  was  involved  in  the   What are your hobbies or interests?  I intend to provide my team with more
        development  of  software  that  has  to  do   I  am  fascinated  by  astronomy,  history,   value-added skills. I am passionate about
        with adhering to the International Financial   art  and  culture.  I  enjoy  live  music  and   charity  organisations  and  intend  to
        Reporting  Standards  about  publishing   will  most  likely  be  found  at  a  concert  or   continue supporting them – perhaps I’ll
        statements.  I  advanced  my  knowledge  in   learning  different  dance  styles.  Family  is   start a charity that focuses on children’s
        both  the  financial  services  industry  and  in   very important to me and I also cherish time   basic needs and education. I would also
        law,  focusing  on  finance  and  contractual   spent with friends.        like to travel overseas as I have never left
        structures. I have worked in Johannesburg,                                 South Africa.
        Cape Town and Pretoria.               What do you most enjoy about your
                                              job at Silver Lakes?                 Contact details
        Describe yourself in three words      Silver  Lakes  has  many  features  to  admire   I am always available at the clubhouse
        Driven, focused and enthusiastic      and enjoy, but it’s the finance team that I   if  anyone  should  need  anything.
                                              appreciate the most. I have an opportunity   Otherwise,  pop  me  an  email  at
        Are you married? Do you have          to constantly learn and grow. This is the joy I  or  call
        children?                             am lucky enough to experience daily.  012  809  0281/2.  I  look  forward  to
        I will be getting married on 11 November and                               meeting all our members.
        plan to enjoy life with my soon-to-be husband   Where did you grow up?
        before deciding on growing our own family.  I grew up in Alberton, Johannesburg.  Thanks for the introduction, Sherice!

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