Page 6 - Intra Muros November 2023 Issue
P. 6
I need for pump stations. More research Cellphone towers
hope this message finds you well. In this
edition of Intra Muros, I would like to
is under way, and the results will be
There were three cellphone towers
address several important matters that
have been of concern to our community. presented at an upcoming AGM. approved in the estate: two in the game
reserve and one at the clubhouse. The AAC
To mitigate the impact of these issues, has approved the two Vodacom towers
Sewage we have increased our treatment efforts (one at the clubhouse and the other at the
Over the past year, concerns have been and altered our delivery methods to top of the game reserve) and we await final
raised regarding sewage-related issues expedite the breakdown of sewage approval from Tshwane. Unfortunately, we
within our estate. Six Fountains pump bacteria, thereby reducing risks and do not have an estimated time of arrival.
station received an upgrade at the end odours in our dams. Recent E. coli tests The MTN tower will have to go to a dispute
of the previous year, thanks largely to have revealed that the dam area on the tribunal as an objection was received. There
the relentless efforts of the HOA and our 12th is a point of concern, leading us is a considerable time delay with regard
legal team. This upgrade has successfully to prohibit fishing in that specific area. to any dispute tribunal. We will keep you
minimised sewage spillage within our Please be assured that we are taking updated as soon as we have any updates.
vicinity. every possible step to address these
sewage concerns. Communication
However, Silver Stream has experienced As we endeavour to enhance our community
an increase in sewage spills despite Hornwort life, we acknowledge the importance of
maintenance conducted by Tshwane in This year, we obtained approval from improved communication. We have been
April. After a comprehensive investigation the Gauteng Department of Agriculture actively working on providing residents
conducted by the HOA, along with the and Rural Development to address with more information regarding ongoing
expertise of civil engineer Richard Hirst, the hornwort issue that has affected projects and events within the estate. Your
it has come to light that the pumps have our estate. Hornwort growth has suggestions for further improvement are
sustained damage, causing inadequate been fuelled by sewage inflow as it most welcome as we are committed to
pumping. Additionally, it was determined provides the necessary nutrients for continuous enhancement.
that the current piping size is insufficient its proliferation. The ongoing bacteria
to handle the load. treatment in our dam is effective in In closing, I want to assure you that we
removing sewage, which, in turn, are dedicated to resolving the challenges
We are currently in discussions with restricts the growth of hornwort. facing our estate and to maintaining the
Tshwane to install a new pump and However, it remains imperative to cease high quality of life that we all cherish. Your
additional piping to rectify this problem, sewage inflow. We are currently testing support and feedback are invaluable to us
all while safeguarding our legal case. We a mechanical removal device, and if as we strive for a better estate.
are also investigating whether a gravity it proves successful, we will mobilise
feed pipe throughout the estate could teams to begin the hornwort removal Yours faithfully,
be a permanent solution, eliminating the process. Dean Pretorius
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Hours as above Power Failure 012 339 9111
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month from 08:00 until 11:00 Clubhouse 012 809 0281
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