Page 15 - Intra Muros December Issue 2023
P. 15


                         Get to know our Pro Shop assistant, Janike van der Merwe

         Please give us a brief overview of   Where did you grow up?
         what your work entails.             Thabazimbi in Limpopo.
         I make golf bookings and sell golf-related
         products. I also help on the golf course by   Did you have any mentors or people
         keeping the field moving and making sure   who influenced you? Tell us about
         that everyone is happy and satisfied.  them.
                                             My dad. He inspires and motivates me in
         Describe yourself in three words.   everything I do. He raised me to be a strong
         Friendly, driven, passionate.       Christian woman.

         What are your hobbies or interests?  What are your future plans?
         Golf  is  my  hobby;  I’d  like  to  become  a   I plan to become a professional golfer and
         professional golfer.                travel the world, and to influence and help
                                             other people to follow their dreams.
         What do you enjoy most about your
         job at Silver Lakes?                Contact details
         Meeting new people.                 064 624 3677

                                                Get to know our Pro Shop assistant, Chris Gerber

                                            Please give us a brief overview of what   What are your future plans?
                                            your work entails.                    I want to share my passion for the game
                                            I make sure that people follow the rules on   of  golf  with  others  by  running  a  golf
                                            the course and assist people in the Pro Shop.  course of my own.

                                            Describe yourself in three words.     Contact details
                                            Glass half full.                      060 673 6555

                                            What are your hobbies or interests?
                                            I  love  sport  and  spending  time  with  family
                                            and friends.

                                            What do you enjoy most about your job
                                            at Silver Lakes?
                                            Getting to work with such a lovely view of
                                            the Silver Lakes golf course.

                                            Where did you grow up?
                                            Louis Trichardt, Limpopo.

                                            Did you have any mentors or people
                                            who influenced you? Tell us about
                                            My  best  friend,  Hercule,  got  me  started  in
                                            playing  golf  and  motivated  me  to  improve
                                            and  follow  my  dreams.  We  are  both
                                            competitive  and  we  pushed  each  other  to

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