Page 33 - Intra Muros December Issue 2023
P. 33



                                                      By Elize Malan

            eng Shui  means “the  way of  wind   birdbath  or  a  bubbling  millstone  water   •  Colour  plants  are  important.  Use  warm
            and  water”.  It  is  derived  from  the   feature will have the same benefits.   reds and yellows where energy is needed,
       FTaoist  belief  that  aims  to  create  a                                  and use the soothing effects of blue, white
        harmonious environment by balancing the   Earth: Properties with natural large rocks or   and purple for relaxation areas.
        flow of energy, or “chi”, in a space.  boulders are ideal. A separate Zen garden   •  Negative  feelings  about  a  plant  or  tree
                                            made up of rocks, gravel, sand and no water   should not be ignored. Remove the plant.
        When designing a garden according to Feng   is a low-maintenance solution.  Thorns and spikes on plants are sometimes
        Shui  principles,  the  Bagua  map  (energy                                regarded as draining to good chi.
        map) is used. This divides the garden into   Metal:  Wind  chimes  are  available  in  all
        nine life areas. Originally designed for use   shapes  and  sizes.  A  water  feature  can  be   Above  all,  keep  an  open  mind:  Feng  Shui
        in the northern hemisphere, the map has to   made  of  metal,  and  even  a  garden  wall   depends on how YOU feel about it.
        be turned around for South African use – in   painted grey will bring the energy of metal
        other words, north becomes south.   into a space.                        There is currently no scientific evidence to
                                                                                 support  that  following  Feng  Shui  will  have
        The  first  step  in  Garden  Feng  Shui  is  to   The  above  ideas  should  not  be  used   any  drastic  effect  on  you  as  a  person,  but
        understand  the  five  elements:  fire,  wood,   randomly.  They  should  be  implemented   very wealthy and influential people such as
        water,  earth,  and  metal.  These  elements   according  to  Feng  Shui  principles,  with   Bill  Gates,  Richard  Branson  and  Christian
        work together to create a balanced outdoor   restraint  in  mind  and  pathways  to  create   Dior have used the principles of Feng Shui in
        space. So, for example, fire brings energy;   a  flow  from  one  area  to  another,  so  that   their homes and business environments.
        wood represents growth; water calms and   a feeling of positive energy is created. It’s
        cleanses;  earth  stands  for  stability;  and   best  to  call  on  expert  help  to  set  up  the   References:
                                                                                 *  The modern Japanese garden by Shunmyo Masuno
        metal encourages clarity.           garden appropriately.                *  The complete illustrated guide to Feng Shui by Lilian Too
        Fire:  Garden lights installed  along  hedges   Feng Shui designs are well-suited to modern   *
        or peeking out of the space between plants   minimalistic  architecture,  where  every
        can be solar or battery-operated. Setting up   small detail is important, starting with the   Tel: 012 804 1807
        a fire pit with surrounding seats and plants   view from each window. Shadows cast by   Fax: 012 804 0278
        creates an inviting ambience.       trees or shrubs during different times of the   Web:
                                            day or different seasons are all considered   Email:
        Wood: When garden trees are still small, an   to be part of the complete picture.
        arbor or wooden garden bench at the end
        of a pathway will represent the element.  Other principles include the following:
                                            •  There  should  be  no  visible  clutter.
        Water:  There  is  no  need  for  a  splashing   Everything  should  have  a  purpose  and
        fountain  or  a  large  koi  pond.  A  small   place.

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