Page 38 - Intra Muros December Issue 2023
P. 38
Steer clear of burnout by practising self-care as the year winds down
s this hectic year draws to a are just as susceptible to end-of-year • Exercise: A brief, enjoyable workout can
close, it is not unusual for many burnout as CEOs and frontline workers. The boost your mental and physical wellbeing
Aof us to feel the creeping dread tricky thing about burnout is its insidious significantly, providing a surprising energy
of burnout. More than mere tiredness, nature: it often creeps up on you unnoticed. uptick.
burnout is a profound state of mental, • Diet: Nourish your stressed body with
physical and emotional exhaustion that Warning signs essentials. A balanced diet, rich in healthy
can take the joy out of life. It’s a serious Feeling utterly drained, irrespective of sleep, fats, vegetables and fruits, is crucial.
and potentially harmful condition, so is a major red flag. Other signs include • Sleep: Getting quality sleep is non-
please read on for key insights into what persistent headaches, stomach issues, negotiable. Foster good sleep hygiene
to watch out for and how to steer clear of reduced appetite and general malaise. If you by maintaining consistent bedtimes,
end-of-year burnout. find yourself dodging social interactions for limiting afternoon and evening caffeine,
solitude, be cautious – while alone time is engaging in calming pre-sleep routines,
Who is at risk? vital, total isolation is a concern. and reducing screen time before bed.
Burnout isn’t exclusive to high-flyers
climbing the corporate ladder. It can Quick temper flare-ups are also indicative Remember, it is okay to seek help. Admitting
affect anyone, especially during the year- of overwhelming stress. Moreover, chronic you are under pressure is not a failure; it
end frenzy. Prolonged exposure to high- stress can compromise your immune allows those around you to offer needed
stress environments or situations is a system, leading to frequent illnesses and support. Do not hesitate to reach out to
common trigger. heightening the risk of depression and friends, family or colleagues.
With the pandemic entering its third year Need additional resources? Meditation apps
– albeit on a smaller scale – our thoughts Warding off burnout like Headspace or online yoga classes can
go out to the healthcare workers who Lifestyle enhancements are your first line offer invaluable tools to navigate through the
have been our lifeline. However, it is not of defence against burnout. Here are three burnout season. Let us take care of ourselves
just them; recent studies show parents immediate changes to consider: and each other as the year wraps up.