Page 40 - Intra Muros December Issue 2023
P. 40


                    Christmas Recipes

          This year, Abigail Donnelly gets nostalgic (yes, even with an air-fryer) as she shares her most-loved

                         family dishes. Recipes by Abigail Donnelly and photographs by Jan Ras

        Air-fryer gammon

        Serves: 8                         COOKING INSTRUCTIONS
        Cooking time: 45 minutes          1. To make the gammon, line the air-fryer basket with two layers of foil, enough to overlap the
        Wine and spirit pairing: Woolworths   sides of the basket and cover the gammon.
        Catherine Marshall Pinot Noir     2. Add the gammon and cover in the foil. Air-fry at 170°C for 20 minutes. Peel back the foil and
                                            spoon over the glaze. Air-fry for a further 25 minutes.
        INGREDIENTS                       3. Remove the gammon and the juices and rest for 10 minutes before slicing.
        1kg gammon, at room temperature   4. To make the pickled nectarines, cut a small cross into the base of the fruit. Place in a large
        Abigail recommends using a medium   pan with the remaining ingredients. Place a sheet of greaseproof paper directly onto the fruit
        gammon for this cooking method, or a   and poach for 10 minutes.
        bone-in cooked Woolworths gammon   5. Spoon the nectarines onto a plate and carefully peel. Simmer the liquid for 30 minutes until
        and glaze.                          reduced and syrupy. Cool and add the nectarines.
                                          6. Serve the gammon with the pickled nectarines.
        For the glaze, mix:
        3T fresh tamarind
        6T treacle sugar
        4T golden syrup

        For the pickled nectarines:
        10 ripe nectarines
        1 cup red wine vinegar
        3 cups cranberry juice
        6 black peppercorns
        1 bouquet garni

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