Page 28 - Silver Lakes February Issue 2023
P. 28
2. Listen to you created a virtual show. It was the first of its
Find a way to tune in to your inner joy, kind and when I started pitching it to clients,
and stop and assess what is causing any there was no uptake as people assumed the
unhappiness. Be prepared to ask yourself lockdown would be short-lived. I kept going,
difficult questions and be honest with though, by pushing and trying all avenues
your responses. If, for example, you have until online events became more popular
your dream job but it doesn’t bring you and people were desperate for some
happiness, then ask yourself whether entertainment. By that time, I was ahead of
it’s the profession that is upsetting you, the curve, but it took a lot of determination.
or the company you are working for, or a
colleague. We choose the lives we live, so Consistency always wins. It is so important
try to make it a good one. to keep the motion going and put in the
work until you get to the end-goal.
3. Set some goals
There is always a solution to creating what 6. Believe in yourself
you want. Never underestimate the value I am a very spiritual person and believe fully
of having clear goals – without them, life that I am capable of more than I realise.
becomes mundane and pointless. For most When I get told I can’t do something, or if
people, seeing something makes it more life knocks me down, it is almost like a fire
believable, so having your goals written gets lit within me and it makes me want to
down somewhere where you can see them fight even harder.
every day is beneficial.
Growing up, I was often told that I
I also believe that there is no such thing wouldn’t make it as a mentalist and that
as a goal that is too big. No matter how I should have a backup plan and take the
unattainable you think your goal may be, traditional route, becoming a professional
once you know what it is, you can figure out (like a lawyer). However, in my mind there
the next steps to make it a reality. was nothing else that I wanted to do and
believing in myself helped me become the
4. Don’t waste time best mentalist I could be.
Once you have your goal, it is important
to act immediately as this eliminates the I went on to become the youngest South
possibility of doubt creeping in. A friend African magician and mentalist to perform
once told me that the word decide comes at the Magic Castle in Hollywood and the
from the joining of two Latin words – “de” only African to be awarded membership
which means off and “cide”, which means at that time. Even though I didn’t have the
to kill. Therefore, the word “decide” money or visa to travel to America, I really
essentially means to kill off all the maybes wanted to go and believed I should.
and what ifs that are stopping you from
achieving your goal. When we decide on Once I made the decision, the money I
something, it is as if everything aligns like needed was generously given to me, and I
magic and the path to your goal becomes received my visa in four days. There were so
easy and clear, so don’t waste a minute many more challenges along the way, but
longer thinking of other things. because I made the decision, those barriers
melted away.
5. Consistency is key
My wife always says I am the most persistent So readers, focus on adopting these six
person she knows. When I get an idea or practical steps - they’ll take you that much
have a goal, I never let go. When you get closer to fulfilling your dreams and making
a few doors closed in your face it is easy 2023 your best year yet.
to abandon your hopes and goals, but for
some reason I am just not wired that way. Larry inspires his audiences to believe in
the impossible so they can achieve their
When all the events got cancelled at the dreams. Follow @LarrySoffer or visit his
beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, I website on