Page 30 - Silver Lakes February Issue 2023
P. 30


                            BIRDING IN MOZAMBIQUE

                                             Text and photos by Anthony Cavanagh

                     A number of birds in the Southern African region are found only in Mozambique,
                 so the writer and his wife, Sue, joined seven of their fellow members of the Wits Bird Club
                     and set off with guide Etienne Marais to see as many of these species as possible.

              delay at the Ressano Garcia border   Inharrime, we stopped at the Inhambane   Tinkerbird  eluded  us  on  this  occasion.
              post (we were trying to obtain visas   estuary  where,  amongst  a  number  of   Nevertheless,  we  sighted  Livingstone’s
        A  the non-SADC members of our       Whimbrels,  Etienne  identified  a  single   Flycatcher,  Neergard’s  Sunbird  and  the
        party)  resulted  in  our  arriving  late  at  our   Steppe  Whimbrel.  This  is  the  rarest   Blue-throated  Sunbird.  Baobab  trees  are
        first  overnight  stop  at  the  Pousada  Jolly   of  the  five  sub-species  of  Whimbrel,   common in this part of Mozambique and
        Roger  Lodge  in  Inharrime,  some  380km   which was thought to be extinct before   around  the  baobabs  Etienne  identified
        north of Maputo.                     being rediscovered in 1997. The Steppe   both  Bohm’s  Spinetail  and  the  Mottled
                                             Whimbrel can be identified by its white   Spinetail and he highlighted the differences
        Next  morning  at  first  light,  our  three   underwings and axillaries.   between the two species.
        vehicles departed and we headed for the
        wetlands to the west of Inharrime. Etienne   Morrungulo Lodge is situated on a palm-  The  Sanctuary  on  the  San  Sebastian
        had  us  walking  abreast  in  a  long  line   fringed  beach,  which  gives  it  a  tropical   Peninsula is the southernmost part of the
        through  the  wetland  and  in  so  doing,  we   ambiance. Mosquito nets over the beds   Bazaruto  archipelago  and  stretches  over
        flushed the Great Bittern, one of our target   added to the exotic atmosphere and were   some  30  000  hectares  of  conserved  land
        birds, which we all saw. We then drove on   essential  to  keep  the  many  mosquitos   and  ocean.  It  is  a  birding  hotspot,  as  the
        to the woodlands in the Panda area, where   at  bay.  The  next  morning,  again  at  first   huge  estuary  incorporates  many  sandbars
        Etienne pointed out other special birds such   light, we set off for the woodlands west   that  attract  numerous  rare  migratory
        as Olive-headed Weaver, Mashona Hyliota,   of  Unguane.  Our  target  bird  was  the   seabirds and waders. To reach the Sanctuary
        Pale Batis, and Racquet-tailed Roller.   Green Tinkerbird, which is extremely rare   area,  one  drives  along  a  90km  sand  road
                                             and  found  in  only  a  few  small  patches   from the EN1 main road. Proof of booked
        En route to our next stop at Morrungulo   of  coastal  scrub-thicket.  Although  we   accommodation at Jacana Camp is essential
        Beach  Lodge,  some  170km  north  of   searched  for  a  few  hours,  the  Green   in order to be admitted to the reserve.

                                                                                               At San Sebastian estuary

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