Page 31 - Silver Lakes April Issue 2023
P. 31


                                       THE GOOD BUGS

                                                      By Elize Malan

         n any garden one finds an assortment of   a recent study, it was found that in areas   The yellow garden spider lives in a flower.
         insects and only 10% of them will cause   with  artificial  illumination  at  night,  this   When an insect lands, the spider will bite it,
       Idamage to plants.                    pollination  is  reduced  by  62%.  Artificial   wrap it in silk, and wait for it to die before
                                             light disorients moths and we should try to   eating it.
        The majority of all insects are either   keep light pollution as low as possible.
        beneficial or completely harmless. They can                               Dragonfly  nymphs  will  eat  most  living
        be divided into the following categories:  Predators                      things that are smaller than they are.
                                             These feed on other insects and if you spray
        Pollinators                          pesticides  to  kill  insects,  the  predators   The beautiful sight of an early morning sky
        Without  these  there  will  be  no  fruit  and   will die as well. Ladybugs, praying mantis   filled  with  dainty  dragonflies  on  the  hunt
        very  few  vegetables  on  our  tables.  Bees,   and green lacewing larvae are ferocious   are a good indication that your garden has
        butterflies,  flies  and  moths  pollinate  the   predators. Ladybug larvae are oblong bugs   a healthy ecosystem.
        world’s edible crops and garden plants.   less than 1cm in size and can consume 40
                                             aphids  in  one  hour.  Mature  ladybugs  will   Parasitoids
        Depending  on  the  weather,  bees  will  be   include mites, whiteflies and scale in their   These are insects whose larvae live as
        most  active  in  the  early  afternoon  and   diets.                     parasites  on  other  insects.  They  lay  their
        pesticides,  if  needed,  should  be  applied                             eggs  on  or  in  the  host;  the  eggs  hatch
        late in the afternoon at dusk. This will cause   Praying  mantis  feast  on  the  big  ones  like   and  the  larvae  feed  on  their  host  insect,
        the least damage to the bee population.  beetles,  grasshoppers  and  flies.  They  are   resulting in the death of the host. Parasitic
                                             cannibals and will even eat each other.  wasps  and  beetles  are  used  as  biological
        Flowers  of  indigenous  species  are  often                              control  agents  by  organic  farmers,  and
        specialised for pollination by long-proboscis   The  adult  lacewing  feeds  on  pollen  but   there  is  at  least  one  company  in  South
        flies. Definitely not your ordinary house fly.  the  larvae  eat  caterpillars  and  aphids.   Africa  that  can  provide  small  quantities
                                             Plant “composite” flowers such as Yarrow,   of  these  insects  for  garden  use.  It  stands
        Butterflies  are  primary  pollinators  for   Goldenrod,  Black-eyed  Susan  and  Daisies,   to reason that no insecticide can be used
        lettuce, lavender, beans and tomatoes.   provide food.                    on  your  garden  plants  if  you  want  the
                                                                                  biocontrol methods to be successful.
        The  flowers  of  some  plants  open  in  the   Spiders  are  not  insects  but  are  excellent
        evening  and  become  more  fragrant  at   predators.  They  prefer  live  flying  insects   Although  this  idea  sounds  far-fetched,
        night and they are pollinated by moths. In   which are caught in their webs.   we will in future have to reduce or even
                                                                                  eliminate  our  use  of  insecticides.  Maybe
                                   GOOD BUGS                                      then the good bugs will get the appreciation
                                   GOOD BUGS
                                                                                  they deserve!

                                  POLLINA   T ORS

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