Page 12 - Intra Muros October Issue 2024
P. 12



                                      SIDEWALK RULES

             ere’s  a  question  that  residents
             regularly ask the Silver Lakes
       HHomeowners  Association  (SLHOA):
        What  are  the  approved  SLHOA  rules  and
        acceptable  standards  regarding  sidewalk
        maintenance within the boundaries of the

        Before we answer this, we would like to give
        some clarity about the purpose of general
        rules within the estate. In doing so, we will
        refer directly to the approved rules of the
        SLHOA. We start with what are possibly the
        two most important paragraphs contained
        within  the  rules;  these  paragraphs  fall
        under the introduction and read as follows:  plants  and  trees,  the  placement  of   •  Residents  may  not  allow  vegetation
                                               paved  areas  and  the  maintenance  of   or  any  other  objects  to  be  placed,
        1.2 Living in the estate means being part   green lawns. This, to improve the look   erected or planted between the road
           of a community  where  conduct  is   and feel of the entire area surrounding   pavement and the property boundary
           managed through a set of accepted   their respective property.            as this is likely to obstruct fire hydrants
           and reasonable Rules, which promote      (Note:  ALL  roads  within  the  estate  are   or  impair  the  visibility  of  traffic
           a secure and high-quality lifestyle for   deemed  public  roads  and  are  subject   movement.
           residents of Units in the estate and   to relevant road traffic ordinances and   •  Concrete  balls,  rocks,  spikes  or  any
           reasonably ensure a harmonious living   municipal bylaws.)                other  obstructive  object,  whether
           environment without interfering with                                      decorative  or  otherwise,  are  not
           one another’s enjoyment thereof and   Unfortunately,  this  previously  mentioned   permitted  anywhere  on  the  road
           that is to the benefit of all.    basic   requirement   is   sometimes    reserve,  in  between  the  boundary  of
                                             misunderstood  and,  in  some  cases,  even   the  property  and  road  surface,  due
        1.3 The Rules are deemed to be reasonable,   manipulated  for  individual  gain.  This  is   to  the  risks  associated  in  the  event
           binding and equally applicable to   counter-productive  to  the  communal   of a driver having to swerve to avoid
           all Members without any form of   agreement to strive towards an enjoyable,   a  collision  or  prevent  a  pedestrian/
           discrimination. The Rules are considered   reasonable   and   harmonious   living   cyclist from falling.
           to  be  neither  restrictive  nor  punitive,   environment.  This  has  resulted  in  strict   •  Members and/or visitors may not park
           but are rather seen as a judicious   rules  being  introduced  over  time  to  allow   in the streets or pavements in any way
           framework to safeguard and promote   ALL residents the same benefits of a high-  that obstructs vehicular or pedestrian
           appropriate and fair interaction to the   quality lifestyle.              traffic.
           benefit of all.                                                        •  Members   must   maintain   grass,
                                             Rules to remember                       trees,  plants  and  shrubs  that  have
        Now that the basic purpose of the Estate   •  Residents  may  not  encroach/develop   been planted on the sidewalk by the
        Rules  has  been  touched  upon,  we  would   past  their  property  boundary  onto   Association.
        like to address the original question raised   private  or  communal  property  by
        about  the  maintenance  of  sidewalks  and   extending  the  lawns  and  gardens  in  a   In a nutshell, the rules are there to ensure
        the  acceptable  standards  in  a  point-by-  raised or restrictive manner, restricting   that living within the Silver Lakes Golf and
        point format.                          other  residents  from  making  use  of   Wildlife Estate is as enjoyable as possible.
                                               the  communal  property  for  walking  or   This  is  achievable  if  ALL  residents  work
        •  Residents   should   maintain   the   cycling purposes.                together  to  achieve  a  harmonious  and
           sidewalks,  the  area  between  their   •  Sidewalk  trees  may  not  be  damaged   pleasant  living  environment  by  following
           property boundary line and the street   or  removed  without  the  consent  of   basic rules and guidelines.
           pavement  in  an  aesthetically  pleasing   the  SLHOA  and  the  Environmental
           manner through garden development –   Committee,  to  improve  the  estate’s   Walters Noordman
           as evidenced in the planting of flowers/  treescape.                   Operations Manager

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