Page 37 - Intra Muros October Issue 2024
P. 37
creates a five to 10 percent premium The data in this article does not only increase residents’ physical activities,
for homes located in highly walkable include studies done by developed improve health and reduce stress with
neighbourhoods. countries with high-end properties, but the enhanced and perceived safety of
- Research from Transport for London also studies by local institutions such as streets.
showed that properties near streets with Pam Golding Property Developers and the
traffic-calming features, such as cycle Department of Landscape Architecture and Obviously, the significance of
lanes and widened sidewalks, experienced Environment of Malaysia. streetscapes is a perceived value. Have
a five to 20 percent increase in value. you ever thought about Tshwane as a
These features enhance safety and make Some of these studies have even found drought-ridden and barren city? No, in
neighbourhoods more desirable to live in. that well-designed street environments can our mind’s-eye we see Jacaranda trees…