Page 30 - Intra Muros December Issue 2024
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ach October, communities around Alida and her team went above and beyond was a beacon of hope and health for all who
the world come together to support to ensure this event was both enjoyable and participated.
EBreast Cancer Awareness Month. impactful.
It’s a time dedicated to raising awareness, The success of this breast cancer awareness
promoting early detection and extending Special thanks also go to the ladies’ golf initiative was bolstered by the generous
hope to those affected by this disease. captains from Woodhill Golf Estate and contributions of local businesses, who
Pretoria Country Club, who played an opened their doors as drop-off points for
This year, the Silver Lakes Golf and Wildlife invaluable role in expanding the reach the bra drive. Special thanks go to Bloom,
Estate made an extraordinary impact, of the collection efforts. Together, these Barely Worn Clothing, Mosaic Hair and
organising a breast cancer awareness drive community champions made an inspiring Beauty, and Wapadrand Medical Centre,
that highlighted the generosity and unity of statement about the power of collective whose involvement made it even easier for
its residents. action. community members to contribute.
The initiative culminated in a donation of Pam Golding’s involvement was particularly Inge de Klerk and her team at Pam Golding,
1 120 bras to PinkDrive, an organisation meaningful. They sponsored the PinkTruck, along with their business partner Boshoff
that supports underprivileged women by a mobile health unit emblazoned with the Incorporated, were the driving forces behind
providing essential breast cancer screenings essential message: “Early detection will help this initiative. This year marks the second
and care. These donations are a lifeline to prolong a life.” This unit allowed attendees successful year of the campaign, with an even
for many women who otherwise wouldn’t to receive screenings on site, underscoring greater impact than the last. Their dedication
have access to such vital resources. The the life-saving importance of early detection. serves as an inspiration, reminding us that
Silver Lakes community’s response speaks when a community rallies around a cause, they
volumes about their compassion and Through the Pam Golding Heart of Gold can create real, lasting change.
dedication to supporting this important Fund, which draws voluntary donations from
cause. agents’ commissions, the initiative funded Thank you, women of Silver Lakes, and all
28 mammograms, 32 breast exams, 22 PSA who supported Pink Month, for standing
To celebrate the successful drive, Silver tests for prostate cancer screening, and 50 in solidarity with those affected by breast
Lakes hosted a memorable golf morning pap smears. Although the high demand cancer. Your contributions and efforts remind
and luncheon, generously sponsored by meant not all who wanted screenings could us that together, we are capable of making a
Pam Golding and Boshoff Incorporated. be accommodated, the PinkTruck’s presence difference.