Page 34 - Intra Muros December Issue 2024
P. 34



                    Congratulations to our December Garden winner: AP Els of 161 Gleneagles.

             his  exquisite  front  garden  is  well   are outlined with gravel, which contrasts   The  harmonious  combination  of  artistic
             designed.  Its  exceptional  curb   beautifully with the lush greenery.   landscaping  and  well-chosen  elements
        Tappeal complements the elegance                                          makes this garden a standout example of
        of the estate.                       Sculpted hedges frame the entrance and   Silver Lakes’ high standards of beauty and
                                             draw the eye towards the gate.       refinement.
        The  artistry  of  this  garden  is  evident  in
        the  garden  beds,  which  are  creatively   Adding  to  the  garden’s  charm  is  a  wall   We’re proud to have gardens like this one
        shaped  and  meticulously  maintained.   covered in a lush tiki creeper, serving as a   that  elevate  the  aesthetic  appeal  of  our
        Various  forms,  including  a  heart  shape,   verdant backdrop.          estate.

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