Page 37 - Intra Muros December Issue 2024
P. 37


         Bearded lichen (Usnea longissima) )  Spanish Mo ss
                                              Spanish Moss
                       Usnea longissima
               d lichen (
        Tillandsia have small white protrusions on their   are  familiar  with,  and  the  one  most  often   Water  and  nutrients  are  absorbed  mostly
        leaves.  These  structures  are  called  trichomes   seen.  It  is  a  fast  grower,  eventually  forming   through the leaves, while the roots serve
        and exist on all air plants. Trichomes are very   long strings or bunches that are a collection   an  anchoring  purpose.  These  roots  are  not
        important  for  air  plants  because  they’re  used   of hundreds or even thousands of little plants.   sufficient to keep a mature plant in place, so
        for absorbing moisture and nutrients. Take care                          the  plant  has  to  be  secured  to  the  support
        not to damage them.                  Spanish  Moss  is  not  native  to  South  Africa.   by  using  a  fastening  material.  When  new
                                             It  usually  requires  dappled  shade  in  our   basal fronds are produced, they will hide the
        In their natural habitat, Tillandsia take in water   suburban gardens.   fastening material.
        derived  from  rain  and  dew.  However,  they
        cannot survive on humidity alone.    Bearded  lichen  (Usnea  longissima),  found   A  very  important  part  of  Staghorn  ferns
                                             along  the  mist  belt,  is  often  confused  with   (Platycerium bifurcatum)  are  the  attached
        While  many  Tillandsias  are  very  drought   Spanish Moss. This lichen is slow-growing and   brown leaves or fronds that look like parchment.
        tolerant, they will go dormant and will not thrive   is rarely found because of pollution and loss   Do  not  remove  these  as  they  protect  the
        if  they  are  not  watered  properly.  Tillandsia   of habitat.         plant and store water and nutrients. The tiny
        flower only once. Consult an expert on how to                            whitish-grey scales on the green fronds slows
        care for your Tillandsia.            Staghorn ferns                      transpiration.
                                             These  plants  are  so  named  for  their  frond
        The well-known species Spanish Moss (Tillandsia   shape, which mimics deer antlers. They need   Some  epiphytes  can  tolerate  more  extreme
        Usneoides),  often  called  Old  Man’s  Beard,  is   good  air  circulation  and  high  light  intensity,   conditions, so it’s important that you choose
        probably the species of air plant most gardeners   but not direct sun.   the correct species for your area. Many of them
                                                                                 can be grown in a small space, horizontally or
                                                                                 vertically, and require very little attention.


                                                                                    Tel: 012 804 1807 |Fax: 012 804 0278

         Staghorn f
         Staghorn ferns

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