Page 42 - Intra Muros December Issue 2024
P. 42


                                                                                    Anton Smit with one of his works in the Park


                                                     By Corlia Mathews

            very month we hear about events and   Says Anton: “I came here because it felt   They  have  used  the  natural  contours  of
            happenings  on  our  amazing  estate.   like  we  were  moving  to  the  end  of  the   the  koppie  adjacent  to  the  studio  and
       EThis month, I thought it would be fun   earth. There’s a cliff over there and right   art  café  to  their  advantage  by  creating
        to see what happens outside our estate.   in  front  of  the  cliff  there  is  a  beautiful   integrated  natural  areas  and  gardens,  and
                                             dam, and it felt like heaven moving here.  carefully  placing  Anton’s  sculptures  to  fit
        Take a drive out of our Solomon Mahlangu                                the landscape. Imagine sipping on a glass of
        gate and head for Bronkhorstspruit. Drive   “We saw this empty piece of land and we   champagne as you sit on one of the benches
        for  a  few  hundred  metres  further,  and   bought it. My wife and I shared a burning   here,  snacking  on  some  food  and  seeing
        you will see the large statue of a woman’s   desire to build a park and we developed it   the  sun  set  over  the  dam,  illuminating  the
        head showing the way to the Anton Smit   over many years. We each had a dream:   sculptures in the process. I did just that on
        Sculpture  Park.  Established  in  2003,   Roelien wanted a park, while I wanted a   my visit to this unique place.
        the  venue  comprises  an  art  gallery  and   sculpture park, a studio, a gallery and a
        café,  a  coffee  shop  and  an  ‘art  avenue’,   unique coffee shop.   The  entire  area  looks  like  an  artwork.
        all  situated  in  the  natural  environs  of  a                        The  plateau  on  which  Anton’s  sculptures
        Bronkhorstspruit koppie.             “To  realise  our  dreams,  we  started   are  exhibited  fit  seamlessly  into  the
                                             shaping this piece of land. There wasn’t   surroundings.  Statues,  shaped  gardens  and
        The  venue  is  well  worth  a  visit.  Anton   a  single  tree.  There  was  just  land,  and   rock  formations  flow  effortlessly  into  each
        and  his  wife,  Roelien,  chose  this  spot  to   all  these  trees  that  you  see  today  were   other.
        showcase his work and have developed this   planted by my wife – and the sculptures
        sculpture park and art venue together with   lovingly  grow  together  with  them.  It’s   An amphitheatre has been hewn out of the
        their staff.                         true symbiosis.”                   natural beauty of the koppie. This terraced

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