Page 36 - Intra Muros December Issue 2024
P. 36
By Elize Malan
ccording to, epiphytes
or ‘air plants’ are plants that grow on
Atop of other plants (typically trees),
“coexisting in a harmonious, harmless way.
They derive their nutrients and other vitals
from the air, water, dust and debris around
So, epiphytes are a group of plants that do not
derive their moisture and nutrients through
roots. The plants can be attached to a branch
or a basket and can even be placed between
pebbles. If roots are present, they are usually
used just to anchor the plant. Epiphytes are not
parasitic; they don’t take anything away from
their host plant.
Epiphytic orchids
Epiph y tic or chids
Epiphytes need sufficient humidity and the
correct air temperature to grow. Their water Ansellia, the largest of the epiphytic orchids After about a year, the offsets can be removed
requirements are met not only by rain but also in South Africa, is an entirely African genus. from the dying mother plant and be re-potted.
by dew and mist. It is found in the subtropical woodlands of They will flower within a few years.
Zululand and on the Transvaal lowveld.
Those species found growing in the Peruvian Tillandsia (air plants)
desert do not receive any actual rain during the Aechmae, Guzmania and Vriesea are Tillandsia are referred to as air plants because of
year. They survive only on the moisture they flowering epiphytes sold by the pot plant the unique way they grow. Most are epiphytes
get from the mists coming in from the ocean industry. The potting mixture anchors the as they grow attached to other plants, such as
and condensing on leaves. roots, but watering and fertilising should be trees. They are not parasitic since they gather
applied to the centre reservoir of each plant. their own nutrients and water and cause
Epiphytic orchids The mature plant will only produce one long- no harm to their host plants. Spanish Moss
An epiphytic orchid is a type of orchid that lasting flower. After flowering, pups (offsets) exemplifies an air plant as you can see it dangling
grows without soil or potting media, often are formed around the base. from telephone wires and tree branches.
attaching itself to trees instead, where it
can obtain water and nutrients from the air
around it.
Epiphytic orchids store water in swollen stems,
known as pseudobulbs. Pseudobulbs resemble
bulbs in shape and function, but their structure
is different. Pseudobulbs are modified stems
that store water, nutrients and food reserves.
These structures often have a bulb-like
appearance due to their swollen nature.
In epiphytes which do not produce pseudobulbs,
the leaves function as water-storage organs.
Epiphytic orchids are absent from winter-
rainfall areas but are frequently seen in forests
in summer-rainfall areas. The plants dislike
prolonged wet conditions during their winter
resting period and require adequate moisture Tillandsia
during their summer growing season.