Page 6 - Intra Muros February 2024
P. 6


                           MESSAGE FROM THE CEO

        Dear Residents,                    •  It is incumbent upon members to uphold   •  The  presence  of  concrete  balls,  be  it
                                             the  upkeep  of  grass,  trees,  plants,  and   for  decoration  or  otherwise,  is  strictly
        With  the  recent  downpours,  our  golf   shrubs  planted  on  sidewalks  of  your   prohibited  within  the  road  reserve  due
        course,  game  reserve,  and  communal   property  by  the  Association.  To  maintain   to  potential  hazards  to  passing  vehicles.
        green   spaces   have   undergone   a   a  harmonious  aesthetic,  street  corners   Any  such  items  will  be  removed  by  the
        remarkable  transformation.  As  stewards   should primarily feature lawns and trees.  Association at the member’s expense, with
        of  this  esteemed  estate,  it  remains  our   •  Removal  or  damage  to  sidewalk  trees   no liability held against the Association for
        commitment  to  uphold  the  immaculate   necessitates Association consent. Expenses   resultant losses.
        standards  expected  within  our  high-  incurred  for  approved  removal  shall  be   •  Members  are  responsible  for  the
        end  community.  Collaboratively,  our   borne by the respective member and will   maintenance  of  their  unit’s  exterior,
        operational  team,  the  Garden  Group,   require an additional tree to be planted.  garden, and adjacent sidewalks. Failure to
        and Matkovich have devoted substantial   •  Any  street-facing  garden  fences,  walls,   adhere to these standards may prompt the
        efforts to preserve the pristine condition   or  outbuildings  must  be  maintained   Association to impose penalties or appoint
        of  the  landscapes,  game  reserve,  and   in  excellent  condition  consistently.  To   contractors  for  remediation,  with  the
        golf  course.  In  light  of  this  dedication,   ensure  privacy,  clotheslines  should  be   member bearing associated costs, payable
        I  find  it  pertinent  to  reiterate  a  few   appropriately  shielded  from  public  view,   upon demand.
        environmental  rules  crucial  for  ensuring   including  streets,  the  golf  course,  and
        our estate remains one of the top estates   nature reserve areas.       We  thank  you  for  your  understanding  in
        in South Africa:                   •  Prohibition exists against planting, erecting,   ensuring  our  estate  remains  in  immaculate
                                             or placing vegetation or objects in the road   condition.
        •  Each  member  bears  the  responsibility   reserve  that  could  obstruct  fire  hydrants
          of  maintaining  the  area  between  the   or impede vehicular visibility between the   Warm regards,
          curb stone of the road and the cadastral   edge  of  the  curb  stone  and  the  cadastral   Dean Pretorius
          boundary of their respective unit.  boundary of the unit.             CEO

                                           IMPORTANT CONTACT NUMBERS

        HOA OFFICE                 EMERGENCY NUMBERS                  SECURITY
        Office hours: Monday to Friday   Security Control Room (24 hours)  Security Control Room (24 hours) 012 809 0424/5
        08:00 until 16:30          012 809 0424/5                     Bidvest Protea Coin Security from 18:00 to 06:00 weekdays,
        012 809 0142                                                  24 hours Sat, Sun and public holidays 072 615 5862     Boschkop Police      012 802 1087/4
                                   Netcare 911          082 911       GOLF
        Security access office:    Fire Brigade         10111         Pro Shop   012 809 0430
        Hours as above             Power Failure        012 339 9111
        Including first Saturday of every   City of Tshwane Call Centre   012 358 9999  CLUBHOUSE
        month from 08:00 until 11:00                                  Clubhouse   012 809 0281
                                   Water leaks:  Café 41   012 809 1571
                                   Street lights:  Takeaways   012 809 0431 / 012 809 1484
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