Page 10 - Intra Muros February 2024
P. 10



                                         DANIE BASSON

        Name and Surname                     Are you married? Any children?
        Danie Basson                         I  am  happily  married  with  one  daughter
                                             (and son-in-law).
        What’s your current position? Can
        you give us a brief overview of what it   What are your hobbies or interests?
        is you do in your work?              Outdoor activities especially angling. If not
        Security  Manager.  I  am  responsible  for   that then I am happy to spend quality time
        management  and  oversight  of  the  total   with family and friends.
        security department.
                                             Where did you grow up?
        Short summary of qualification/s and   Southern Africa – Gordons Bay, Grabouw,
        past work experience                 Swakopmund   (Namibia),   Luderitz
        I am a former member of the South African   (Namibia),  Kimberley,  Rustenburg  and
        Police Service. I was a member for 17 years   eventually Pretoria since 1983.
        from 1997 until I resigned in 2004.                                      What are your future plans or
        I  am  also  the  former  Chief  Operations   Did you have any key mentors or   something exciting that you would
        Officer of Hatfield City Improvement District   people who influenced who you are   still like to do?
        having  resigned  in  2023  after  19  years  of   or what you believe in, in your work   I have experienced amazing adventures and
        service.                             and life? Tell us about them.       opportunities thus far, and I survived all of
                                             I  am  a  devout  Christian  with  numerous   them… I would primarily want to make a huge
        What do you enjoy most about your    experiences of the Lord’s grace. During the   success of my new occupation to the benefit
        job at Silver Lakes?                 past seven years I also had the wonderful   of Silver Lakes and its residents and related
        I am looking forward to my new challenge   opportunity  to  learn  from  my  previous   role-players.  Preventing  crime  remains  an
        of safeguarding the people of Silver Lakes as   CEO, Mr Lucas Luckhoff. Not only was (is)   ideal I am always striving towards.
        team leader of an amazing security group. A   he  a  mentor  and  positive  influencer  but
        close second would be meeting new people   also  a  true  friend.  I  can  never  neglect  to   Contact details
        and new associated experiences.      also mention my wonderful wife Melinda   E-mail:
                                             and  my  only  daughter  Bianca  –  always   Tel: 012 809 0142
        Describe yourself in 3 words         loving  and  supportive  (in  no  particular
        “Smile and wave”.                    order or I might have to start explaining).  Thanks for the introduction, Danie!

                                     ESTATE SECURITY

          t  is  with  concern  that  the  HOA  noticed  a   amounts  are  often  paid  to  speed  up  the   then  bring  them  in  as  passengers/visitors
          tendency of presenting false documentation   application  process  or  to  deliberately   without  proper  registration.  Regular  fines
       Iwhen applying for access registration. This   obtain  illegal  documentation.  Applicants   are  issued  in  this  regard,  but  the  bigger
        is  particularly  prevalent  amongst  workers   are  advised  to  rather  follow  due  process   concern is that of potentially jeopardising
        registering for longer term access. This office   at  official  departments  to  prevent  being   the integrity of the Estate’s security.
        has  a  legal  obligation  to  ensure  compliance   conned and losing money.
        and may therefore not process any application                             Security  services  will  remain  vigilant  and
        if documents presented are false.     Another   tendency   experienced   is   do its utmost to ensure and maintain its
                                              circumventing  the  rule:  “Bringing  any   mandate of securing Silver Lakes Golf and
        Many  applicants  fall  victim  to  unscrupulous   form  of  labour  into  the  Estate  without   Wildlife Estate.
        “agents”   when   applying   for   official   following the correct procedures in terms
        documentation  such  as  ID’s,  Passports,  work   of permits.” Some members exit the estate   Danie Basson
        permits,  driver’s  licences  etc.  Exorbitant   to  pick  up  labourers  from  outside  and   Security Manager

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