Page 12 - Intra Muros February 2024
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          n early December 2023, the SLHOA Operational   estimated  20  tons  of  “Hornwort”  have   light units and replacement of all faulty/
          Team started with the long-awaited “Hornwort”   been removed from our dams and a clear   blown  standard  light  bulbs  with  energy-
       I(Aquatic  Weed),  clean-up  project,  that  had   improvement is visible.  efficient LED globes.
        completely overgrown various dams within Silver
        Lakes Golf & Wildlife Estate.           We would also like to advise our residents   During  the  December  festive  period,
                                                that Silver Lakes Golf & Wildlife Estate is   some  residents  would  have  noticed  our
        Since  the  commencement  of  this  project,  which   not battling this aquatic weed alone, as   maintenance  teams  making  use  of  high-
        at  first  glance  appears  to  be  moving  slowly,  an   the  presence  of  “Hornwort”  has  been   reach  mechanical  equipment  (Cherry
                                                reported  to  have  appeared  in  various   Picker)  in  conducting  the  previously
                                                large dams and other estates throughout   mentioned  repairs  on  the  high-level
                                                Gauteng and the North-West Province.   streetlights  within  Glen  Eagles  Drive,
                                                                                  Guinea  Fowl  and  Fish  Eagles  Streets  and
                                                The  clean-up  process  that  is  underway   we are pleased to report we have managed
                                                commenced  upstream  and  we  are   to  repair  74  high-level  lights  in  these
                                                currently  dealing  with  the  Golf  Course   three  streets  during  this  period,  not  to
                                                Dams,  after  which  our  focus  will  be   mention multiple other faulty streetlights
                                                shifted  fully  to  the  Phase  3,  Game   throughout the rest of the estate.
                                                Reserve Dam due to the natural flow of
                                                water  having  pushed  the  aquatic  weed   We would also like to remind residents that
                                                downstream.                       the streetlight repair project is ongoing and
                                                                                  would like to ask our residents to report
                                                Streetlights Repairs Project      faulty streetlights to the SLHOA by making
        Before Photos                           Since  receiving  approval  from  the  City   use of the Silver Lakes APP, containing the

                                                                                  following information, which will assist the
                                                of  Tshwane  for  the  SLHOA  Operational
                                                Team to work and do maintenance on
                                                their electrical infrastructure, within the   HOA in speeding up the repair process:
                                                Silver  Lakes  Golf  &  Wildlife  Estate,  the   •  Streetlight Pole Number
                                                HOA Electrical Maintenance Teams have   •  Nearest House Number and
                                                been conducting various repairs to faulty     Street Name
                                                streetlights.                     •  Nearest Street Corner

                                                The  total  amount  of  faulty  streetlights   If  residents  do  not  have  access  to  the
                                                has  been  greatly  reduced  since  the   Silver  Lakes  APP,  they  can  also  report
                                                SLHOA  Maintenance  Teams started   it  directly  by  contacting  the  SLHOA  on
                                                with  repairs,  which  included  the   012 809 0281.
                                                replacement and repairs of various day/
                                                night switches, faulty electrical breakers,   Walters Noordman
                                                broken  electrical  cables,  faulty  street   Operations Manager
         After Photo

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