Page 14 - Intra Muros February 2024
P. 14



          t is that time of year again when maintenance
          is needed. We had an incredibly busy 2023
       Iwith  almost  49  000  rounds  of  golf  played.
        Hollow  tining  is  much  needed  to  keep  the
        greens in world-class shape. To name a few of
        the benefits, it releases bad gases, takes out
        bad soil, releases compaction, helps drainage,
        and  root  growth,  and  allows  space  for  new
        grass to grow through. We also did a double-
        seeding with a new variety of bent grass, with
        high resistance against traffic and diseases. We
        understand  the  inconvenience  caused  to  our
        members, but we are certain the wait will be
        well worth it.

        Andrew Curlewis
        Golf Manager

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