Page 18 - Silver Lakes June 2024
P. 18


                                   TRACKING METHOD

                                                  Hosted by Lance Robinson

             ird-ringing,  also  known  as  branding,  is  an   Lance  Robinson,  a  certified  bird   Why  do  we  ring  birds?  Bird  ringing
             important  scientific  method  of  studying   ringer, along with two citizen scientist   generates  valuable  information  about
       Bbirds and their habitats. It allows for a close   volunteers,  organised  a  bird-ringing   the  survival  of  birds,  their  productivity
        connection with birds and helps us gain valuable   demonstration  at  Silver  Lakes  on   and  their  movements.  It  helps  us  to
        insights into their lives and their environments.   11  May,  at  the  picnic  site  parking   understand why bird populations change
                                                  in  phase  3.  Residents  were  invited   over time.
        The process involves placing a metal ring around   to  witness  the  bird-ringing  process
        one of the bird’s legs. The ring contains a unique   in  action.  On  the  day,  a  Malachite   If  you  happen  to  find  a  dead  wild  bird
        number and contact information for identification   Kingfisher and a Cape Robin-chat were   with  a  ring  on  it,  please  report  it  to
        purposes.                                 fitted with metal rings.

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