Page 23 - Silver Lakes June 2024
P. 23
By Elize Malan
round covers have a number of
benefits: they limit the germination
Gof weeds, prevent soil erosion and
retain soil moisture. They can cover an
area of your yard or garden for one season
(annuals), a few seasons or many years.
They take the form of plants or materials
such as gravel, bark chips or pebbles.
Succulents such as vygies
Suc culen ts such as v ygies Carpobrotus
I find plants to be an exciting choice.
The plants can vary significantly from
flat-growing, creeping varieties to small,
spreading perennial bushes. These include
grasses as well as perennial flowers and a
wide variety of succulents.
When planting a new garden, hard
landscaping is done first. Then trees and
shrubs are added, and the final process
Carex grasses
asia gange
entails laying down a variety of ground Asystasia gangetica Care x grasses
compact habit is chosen. Succulents such grasses need moist soil, whereas Aloe
The plants are not suitable for high traffic as vygies seem like an obvious choice, but prefer dry conditions – these plants will
areas, except when it comes to filling many species are short-lived and need to be perform well when planted together.
small gaps between pavers. Flat-growing replanted every few years.
varieties such as Creeping Jenny, Falkia As with all plant choices, the amount of sun,
repens or Mondo grass (Kyoto dwarf) are Grasses are a popular choice for large areas. the climate and the soil type are important
recommended. The plants chosen should The plants are cut back in spring. To avoid considerations for achieving a successful
not spread vigorously as maintenance a bare patch, spring flowering bulbs can be ground cover.
would become impossible. added. After a few years, grass clumps can
lose their vigour and are then divided and With the variety of species available, you
Rooftop gardens with less than 10cm of replanted. are bound to find a ground cover that’s
soil limit your choice of plants. Choose perfect for its allotted spot in the garden.
slow growers as they will prevent the need Carpobrotus is often used by gardeners and
for regular replacement. The general idea landscapers alike. References:
for this type of garden is to create a green Indigenous Plant Palettes by Marijke Honig
The A-Z of Gardening in South Africa by WG Sheat
carpet on the roof. The plants are easy to grow, require limited
irrigation and are evergreen. However, they howtochoosegroundcovers
Slopes need plants with a deep root system. die back after a few seasons and ongoing
In addition, a biodegradable soil blanket can replacement is needed.
be used before adding plants, to prevent Tel: 012 804 1807
soil erosion and evaporation. The plants Asystasia gangetica is a fairly hardy, Fax: 012 804 0278
should have a long lifespan and have a evergreen, vigorous, creeping groundcover Web:
spreading habit. Shrubs like Plumbago, with dark green foliage. It has large, Email:
Carissa and Barleria can be used on their fragrant, Foxglove-like flowers that appear
own or in combination with flat-growing throughout the year.
ground covers.
Keep in mind that the water requirements
Vertical gardens will require less of the different species planted together
maintenance if a long-living species with a should be the same. For example, Carex