Page 39 - Silver Lakes July Issue 2024
P. 39


        Londolozi,  Mpumalanga,  Greater  Kruger
        National Park. “Beyond just a game lodge,   Tswalu Kalahari, near
        Londolozi sees itself as a platform to restore   Hotazel, Northern Cape.
        and heal the land.”                     “The restaurant named
                                                Klein JAN gives guests a real
        Ulusaba  Private  Game  Reserve,  in  the   culinary experience, using
        western  section  of  the  Sabi  Sand  Nature   the traditions, ingredients
        Reserve,  Mpumalanga.  “Walk  between   and regional produce of the
        treehouse-style  rooms  on  swinging  rope   Northern Cape. A seasonal
        bridges or just watch the zebras and impala   menu is rooted not only
        stroll by.”                             in the southern Kalahari’s
                                                remote and dramatic
        Molori Safari Lodge, Madikwe, North West   landscapes but also in the
        province.  “This  wildly  luxurious  hideaway   resourceful, creative people
        coexists  with  nature  to  put  you  up-close   of this remote, unexplored
        with the Big Five.”                     region.”

        Grootbos Private Nature Reserve, Gansbaai,
        Western Cape. “You can ride horses across   Kapama  Karula,  near  Kruger  National   pool,  but  we’d  suggest  letting  Morukuru’s
        the sands, past ancient sea caves; and go on   Park, Limpopo. “Light, airy, open spaces   friendly, attentive staff fill your day with game
        flower safaris, tree-planting expeditions and   and  views  from  every  angle,  Karula  is   drives  through  the  reserve,  mountain  biking,
        whale-watching  flights  to  see  the  calving   truly the pride of Kapama Private Game   sandboarding, snorkelling and more.”
        Southern Right whales that migrate in shore   Reserve. Effortlessly elegant and stylish,
        between July and December.”          with its own wellness centre and spa.”  Samara  Private  Game  Reserve,  near  Graaff-
                                                                               Reinet, Eastern Cape. “A rewilding project on
        Lepogo Lodges, Noka Camp, near Lapalala,   Morukuru  Family  House,  De  Hoop   67 000 acres of former farmland in the great
        Limpopo.  “Unparalleled  luxury  against   Reserve,  De  Hoop,  Western  Cape.   Karoo, Samara has a unique offering. Alongside
        the  backdrop  of  the  winding  Palala  River.   “There  are  white-sand  beaches,  of   game drives and guided bushwalks, guests can
        Noka  Camp  boasts  South  Africa’s  first   course, but also access to the De Hoop   explore the Karoo’s rich history on a fossil tour,
        solar  walkway  and  has  an  extremely  light   Nature Reserve, a protected marine area   sleep out in a star bed under the celebrated
        environmental  footprint,  with  only  1%  of   with zebra and bontebok. You can simply   Karoo  night  skies  and  track  Samara’s  most
        the building touching the ground.”   chill  on  the  beach  or  by  the  lodge’s   famous predator, the cheetah, on foot.”

                                                                           Morukuru Family, Madikwe Game Reserve,
                                                                           North West province. “Three free-standing
                                                                           luxury villas, each uniquely designed. (Think lots
                                                                           of raw blonde woods in the Farmhouse; stone
                                                                           fireplaces and sink-into-’em couches over at the
                                                                           River House; and a staff of eight, plus an infinity
                                                                           pool and African artwork at the Owner’s Home.)”

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