Page 40 - Silver Lakes July Issue 2024
P. 40

&Beyond Ngala Safari Lodge,
         Kruger National Park. “A timeless
         safari lodge ideally positioned on a
         private concession inside the highly
         acclaimed Kruger National Park.”

        Bushmans Kloof Wilderness Reserve &   tours are offered and there are hiking   For an exclusive game lodge and safari experience,
        Wellness  Retreat,  Cederberg,  Western   trails  (of  varying  difficulty)  on  the   give one of these a try when booking your next
        Cape.  “The  reserve  also  serves  as   reserve,  as  well  as  opportunities  for   holiday – you’re bound to be impressed.
        custodian to the 130 rock art sites, some   canoeing and fly-fishing at the dams on
        that  date  back  10  000  years.  Guided   the property.”           Article courtesy of Travel News,

                                                                       Marataba Luxury Lodges, Marakele National Park,
                                                                       Limpopo. “The tents’ contemporary yet earthy look is a
                                                                       refreshing, unique style. For those wanting alternatives
                                                                       to Big Five excursions, beyond vehicle drives, Marataba
                                                                       offers a walking safari and a must-do water safari.”

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