Page 36 - Silver Lakes August Issue 2024
P. 36


        And what better stop to make after a walk   Joël, who makes the best chicken pie ever,   the narrow stoep. The Pro Shop was also
        or  jog  than  the  Clubhouse!  You  can  buy   has  been  at  Silver  Lakes  for  more  years   below  and  next  to  the  halfway  house,  all
        your cooldrink to drink on your way home   than most of us have been staying here. If   tucked out of the way.
        from the small store at the entrance to Café   there were stars to be won for his cooking
        41, or if you have time, sit down at Café 41   skills, he would have received one!  What  we  have  today  started  developing
        and  enjoy  a  sumptuous  breakfast,  lunch                               into  what  we  see  now  when  Piet  Geyser
        or dinner. Staff at the Fairways restaurant   I  remember  when  we  moved  in:  the   bought  the  golf  course  from  Ampros,  a
        upstairs at the bar make the most delicious   Clubhouse was just the main building one   subsidiary of Anglo American. He extended
        pub food! It’s all prepared by Joël and his   sees from across the water and it was a   the  little  building,  which  was  the  original
        team of chefs in the kitchen.        lot smaller, being just the upper part with   sales office, to become the Pro Shop.
                                             no  covered  patio.  It  had  a  large  stoep
        It  is  this  same  chef’s  team  who  prepare   with the bar inside on the left, same as   Today  it  is  the  wine  shop  and  grocery
        the fresh breads and biscuits at the store.   it is today.                shop. Piet decided he wanted to run a golf
        My favourite is the dark rye. The team also                               course, not a catering business. So, he sold
        prepare the food we eat at our Silver Lakes   Homeowners  had  meals  upstairs  only   the main building to Nick Valikellis to start
        events as well as the food at conferences,   once  a  month,  and  these  were  called   a  restaurant  for  Silver  Lakes.  Nick  moved
        weddings,  baptisms,  birthdays  and  any   Homeowner   Wednesday   buffet-style   his team of chefs, including Joël, from his
        other celebration. We can enjoy delicious   meals.  The  area  below  the  upper  floor   original  restaurant  in  Brooklyn  to  Silver
        meals and an amazing view of our two last   was  a  small,  narrow,  galley-like  halfway   Lakes  and  started  making  pizzas  (which
        tee boxes, 9 and 18, as well as of the dams   house. It was dark inside and had a few   proved to be the best seller in Silver Lakes)
        in front of the Clubhouse.           tables as well as some seating outside on   and other great food.

                                                              Joël in the kit chen at the F air ways
                                                              Joël in the kitchen at the Fairways
                                                              restaurant. He has been with Silver
                                                                    t. He has been with Silver
        The grocery shop                                      Lakes for about  18 years
        The groc
               y shop
                                                                es f
                                                                  or about  18 years
                                           Bread baking
        The wine shop
        The wine shop                      Bread baking

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