Page 47 - Intra Muros April 2024
P. 47



            A month-by-month guide for South Africans visiting Thailand in 2024

             hailand is one of the world’s   For those needing an inspirational nudge in   comes  complete  with  a  ceremonial
             top  travel  destinations  –  and   the right direction, Sangnil has this month-  waterproof marriage certificate – what’s not
        Tfor  good  reason.  From  island-  to-month  guide  of  what  Thailand  has  to   to love about this unique way of starting an
        hopping  and  cultural  exploration  to   offer:                        incredible new journey together?
        shopping  and  water-based  activities,
        Thailand has much to share with the   Sunlit serenades in January       Conservation and connection in
        world. It’s no surprise that millions of   The beginning of the year is peak season in   March
        foreigners flock to Thailand yearly – in   Thailand. You can expect sun-filled days and   For  the  animal-loving  travellers,  March  is
        fact, 2023 saw over 27 million tourists   mild evenings with little chance of rain. As   the  month  to  visit  Thailand.  The  elephant
        touch down on Thai shores. Among the   such, it’s the ideal time to visit a festival or   is Thailand’s national animal and 13 March
        most  frequent  visitors  to  the  Land  of   outdoor event. Some of the month’s most   is  National  Thai  Elephant  Day.  To  celebrate
        Smiles are South Africans, many looking   popular  events  include  Bangkok’s  ‘Concert   the  day,  tourists  can  visit  several  different
        for  a  tropical  getaway  or  a  luxurious   in  the  Park,’  a  unique  musical  attraction   elephant sanctuaries, including the Elephant
        break from the hustle and bustle.   attended by a flurry of international visitors   National  Park  –  one  of  Thailand’s  most
                                          yearly.  The  concerts,  held  every  Sunday   popular  conservation  projects.  Elephant
        “2024 might just be the year when you   during January and February, showcasing a   Haven in Kanchanaburi is also a great option,
        take the chance to treat yourself to   selection  of  music,  from  top-charting  pop   as is the Samui Elephant Sanctuary. At these
        some well-earned bucket-list longings.   hits to Broadway medleys as well as classical   sanctuaries,  visitors  can  observe  these
        The good news is that Thailand is one   music  and  traditional  Thai  favourites.  The   majestic giants in their natural environments,
        destination  that  ticks  all  the  boxes.   best part? Admission is free, and there are   play with them in mud pools, or do volunteer
        From lovers of culinary experiences to   many  different  public  transport  options  to   work – the perfect chance to give back.
        travellers looking for a mind and body   travel to and from the event.
        reset  and  eco-tourists,  we  welcome                                  Grab your water gun in April
        many  different  types  of  visitors  and   February: Love beneath the waves  Arguably, no other event is as synonymous
        cater to every wanderlust wish.   February  is  the  month  of  love  for  people   with  Thai  culture  as  the  Songkran  Festival.
                                          worldwide, and for South Africans looking to   The  festival,  which  centres  around  water
        What  makes  travelling  to  Thailand   get hitched in true communal Thai fashion,   play, is hosted in April every year to celebrate
        simpler  and  hassle-free  compared  to   it’s  the  month  to  be  in  Thailand.  In  what   the Thai New Year. During Songkran, people
        other  overseas  destinations  is  that   has  become  an  internationally  renowned   engage  in  world-famous  water  fights,
        South Africans don’t need a visa to enter   spectacle  of  love,  hundreds  of  local  and   but  there’s  also  a  spiritual  component  to
        Thailand for up to 30 days for tourism   foreign  couples  visit  Thailand  in  February   the  festival,  which  sees  people  visiting
        purposes. It’s as easy as booking a flight,   to  participate  in  the  Trang Underwater   temples for purification rituals and blessing
        packing a bag, and making your escape   Wedding. Couples are paraded through the   ceremonies.  April  is  a  great  time  to  be  in
        to  a  country  that  quite  literally  has  it   streets  of  Trang  town  and  then  travel  by   Thailand  if  what  you’re  after  is  a  chance
        all,” says Sadudee Sangnil, Director of   boat to an underwater location where they   to see all the islands and towns in one go
        the Tourism Authority of Thailand for   slip on scuba gear over their wedding garb   because each region celebrates the festival
        the UK, Ireland, and South Africa.   and tie the knot underwater. The ceremony   in unique ways.

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