Page 48 - Intra Muros April 2024
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        Explore Michelin starred restaurants   August: One for the shoppers         November: Time for festival fever
        in May                                August  is  typically  regarded  as  the   The Loy Krathong festival is set to take
        South  Africans  love  good  food,  and  if   beginning  of  the  off-peak  season  in   place  in  November  this  year.  As  one
        there  is  one  reason  to  visit  Thailand,   Thailand,  which  makes  it  the  best   of  Thailand’s  most  enchanting  and
        exploring  its  culinary  gems  should  be   time  to  cash  in  on  cheaper  flights  and   visually stunning festivals, it celebrates
        one  of  the  reasons.  Michelin Guide,   accommodation  prices.  With  heavier   lights,  water,  and  spirituality.  The
        the  internationally  acclaimed  culinary   rainfall,  most  tourists  head  indoors   festival  holds  deep  cultural  and
        authority,  has  once  again  celebrated   over  this  period  to  experience  some   religious significance, as it is a time for
        Thailand’s  vibrant  and  diverse  culinary   local  cuisine  and  the  bustling  shopping   Thais  to  pay  respects  to  the  goddess
        scene by showcasing a total of 447 food   malls  in  urban  areas  such  as  Bangkok.   of water, Phra Mae Khongkha. At the
        establishments  in  Thailand.  The  2024   Popular  shopping  destinations  include   heart of Loy Krathong is the tradition
        edition  of  the  Michelin  Guide  Thailand   Siam Square Bangkok and the expansive   of  crafting  and  floating  krathongs,
        has recognised outstanding culinary   Chatuchak  Weekend  Market.  You’ll   intricately decorated floating baskets,
        establishments  nationwide,  with  six  new   find  amazing  finds  here,  including  silk   onto  rivers,  lakes,  and  other  bodies
        shining stars and two additional Michelin   products,  aromatic  Thai  spices,  coconut   of  water.  The  festival  is  celebrated
        star restaurants.                     oil  products,  jewellery,  curious  trinkets,   nationwide,  but  specific  locations,
                                              high-end  accessories,  and  artisanal   such  as  Chiang  Mai,  Sukhothai,  and
        June: The month for a good hike       handicrafts.                          Ayutthaya,  are  renowned  for  their
        Although  Thailand  is  best  known  for  its                               elaborate festivities.
        pristine beaches and marine biodiversity,   September: The month for culture
        it  also  has  a  lot  to  offer  in  the  way  of   September  is  long-boat  racing  season  in   Dive into December
        natural  vegetation  and  towering  hills  to   Thailand – fast-paced races are held in four   Thailand  comes  alive  in  December,
        be explored. June is the perfect time for   country regions to celebrate the Buddhist   with  the  month  being  the  beginning
        a hike in the Northern Hills. Some of the   Lent.  Each  year,  the  races  draw  large   of the peak season, so it’s a great time
        most popular hikes include the one to the   crowds of enthusiastic locals and tourists   to get stuck into some of the country’s
        summit  of  Doi  Chiang  Dao,  from  where   who cheer on the participants and enjoy   most  popular  watersports.  It’s  the
        the views stretch all the way to Myanmar   the  cultural  activities  that  surround  the   ideal time to do some island-hopping
        (Burma). Hikers could also consider going   events. This is the ideal time to participate   and visit hotspots like Phang Nga Bay,
        on guided walks through terraced rice   in the action in various locations, including   with its intricate series of breathtaking
        paddies  and  visiting  some  surrounding   Ayutthaya, Phitsanulok, and Nan.  mangroves, lagoons, and caves. Many
        villages.                                                                   tour  operators  around  Thailand  offer
                                              Shopping under the stars in October   services such as exploring by boat, as
        Hit the jungles in July               Regarding the weather in Thailand over   well  as  snorkelling  and  scuba  diving
        In July, Thailand’s north and south regions   October, it’s usually a bit of a mixed bag.   at  various  spots  along  the  coast.
        typically experience high rainfall, but that   The rainy season draws to a close over the   For  those  needing  speed,  there  are
        doesn’t stop nature lovers from hitting the   month, but occasional showers are still to   many  opportunities  to  jet  ski  and
        jungles  for  a  truly  authentic  experience   be expected. This month is the best time   wakeboard. For something slower, you
        of the tropics. Some of the most popular   to see a few of Thailand’s night markets.   could consider boarding a sailboat off
        jungles are in Khao Yai, Umphang, and Nan.   Each town has its own night market and   the coast of Kho Phi Phi or the Similan
        Fortunately, heavier rainfall brings heavier   large  versions,  such  as  the  Patpong  and   Islands for some sightseeing and
        waterfalls,  which  are  a  breathtaking   Mahadthai Night Markets, offer an open-  sundowners.
        experience.  The  rainy  season  is  also  the   air shopping experience that will cater to
        best time to see the best fauna and flora,   your curiosity to try local delicacies while   For more travel inspiration and ideas,
        which thrive during this time of the year.   stocking up on some real bargains.  visit

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