Page 14 - Intra Muros March 2024
P. 14


                                             GOLF NEWS

              fter  a  very  successful  Hollow   We have two projects on the go now:  We  do  apologize  for  any  inconvenience
              Tining  in  January,  the  course   1. We  are  in  the  process  of  re-doing  all  the   caused  by  the  current  projects,  however,
        Ais  in  great  condition.  Golfers   bathrooms  on  the  golf  course.  This  is  a   we are certain it will be well worth it.
        are reminded to please fix your pitch   welcome upgrade and I’m sure you will all
        marks on the greens. We are heading   enjoy the new look.                 Good  luck  to  all  members  playing  in  this
        into  a  busy  time  now  with  Captains   2. The  construction  of  the  walkway  bridge   year’s Club Champs.
        Day,  Club  Champs,  and  Ladies  Open   from the 9  tee to the 9  green will also
        Day all happening over the next few   start in the next couple of weeks. This will   Andrew Curlewis
        weeks.                             be a four month project.               Golf Manager
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