Page 16 - Intra Muros March 2024
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                          A HISTORIC CAPTAINS’ DAY

          n the heart of Silver Lakes Golf and   voices  intertwined  in  songs,  creating   just a celebration of golf; it was a celebration
          Wildlife  Estate,  a  historic  event   an  ambiance  of  togetherness.  We  as   of the spirit of Silver Lakes.
       Iunfolded  on  Saturday,  February  17,   members  of  Silver  Lakes  enjoyed  our
        2024,  that  marked  a  significant  shift  in   evening and bonded by our shared love   To both our Captains, Pierre Spies and Yolande
        tradition  and  celebrated  the  spirit  of   for the game.             Ehlers,  a  heartfelt  congratulations.  Your
        unity within our golfing community – the                                dedication, leadership, and commitment have
        first-ever combined Captains’ Day. It was   A  special  acknowledgment  goes  to   set a new standard for the years to come.
        a day of not just good golf but also a day   Pierre  Spies,  our  Men’s  Captain,  who
        where we recognized and honoured the   has  made  significant  contributions  to   As  we  look  forward  to  the  future,  let  this
        contributions  of  all  members  who  have   golf  in  a  short  year  and  took  the  bold   historic Captains’ Day be a reminder that in
        made  Silver  Lakes  proud  over  the  past   initiative  to  recognize  and  appreciate   Silver Lakes, we are not just a golf club; we
        year.                                Yolande Ehlers, our Ladies Captain. Their   are  a  family  that  celebrates  and  embraces
                                             collaboration and support for each other   every member. Here’s to many more years of
        Captains’  Day  had  always  been  a   set the stage for what turned out to be   memorable Captains’ Days at Silver Lakes Golf
        celebration by the Men’s Captain, but this   a tremendously successful day. It was not   and Wildlife Estate!
        year  was  different.  The  Ladies  Captain,
        Yolande  Ehlers,  was  rightfully  included   CAPTAINS’ DAY RESULTS:
        and acknowledged for her unwavering    1  Deon Labuschagne & Johan Huyser 45pts
        dedication and contributions to the club.   2  Derek Van Greunen & Dean Baldwin 45pts
        In the past, there had been a tendency to   3  Jonty Walls & Dale Vorster 45pts
        overlook the incredible efforts of our lady   4  Jacques Bodenstein & Grietjie Bodenstein 44pts
        members.  But  not  anymore.  Our  ladies,
        who are undeniably an awesome bunch,   Nearest to the pin
        were  finally  given  the  recognition  they   3  Jacques Bodenstein
        truly  deserve.  Captains’  Day,  from  now   9  Werner van Esch
        on, will always be a celebration of both   13  Wally Greenan
        Men and Ladies.                        16  Marnus Foiurie

        As the sun set and the evening unfolded,   Longest Drive Men   Longest Drive Ladies
        the  atmosphere  in  the  hall  was  nothing   18  Rikus Odendaal   2  Marise Fourie- Prinsloo
        short  of  magical.  Laughter  echoed,  and

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