Page 30 - Intra Muros March 2024
P. 30


                            GARDEN OF THE MONTH

            Congratulations to our February Garden winners: Mr and Mrs De Jesus of 10 La Quinta Street

              The power of thoughtful design and restraint

             his garden exemplifies the adage that   What truly sets this garden apart is   The judicious placement of these
             simplicity is the ultimate sophistication,   its masterful use of a diverse array   colourful accents adds visual interest
        Tshowcasing a meticulously planned      of green hues and subtle splashes of   without overwhelming the overall
        landscape where less truly proves to be more.  colour. Various shades of green foliage   tranquility of the space. Instead, they
                                                provide a rich tapestry of textures and   serve as delightful focal points, drawing
        Upon first glance, the entrance to the house is   tones, lending depth and dimension   the eye and inviting closer inspection.
        lined with a variety of graceful grasses, creating   to the landscape. Interspersed among
        a welcoming pathway that effortlessly guides   these verdant layers are carefully   This garden demonstrates that by
        visitors towards the home. These grasses, with   selected plants, including varieties   carefully selecting a harmonious palette
        their subtle yet captivating beauty, set the tone   of salvia, silver ponysfoot, and dwarf   of plants and embracing the beauty of
        for the understated elegance that characterises   morning glories, which inject bursts of   simplicity, one can create a landscape of
        the entire garden.                      vibrant colour into the scene.    enduring elegance and timeless charm.

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