Page 32 - Intra Muros March 2024
P. 32


                            GARDEN OF THE MONTH

                    Congratulations to our March Garden winner: Mr Booysen of 17 Pebble Beach

                               Creating an oasis of serenity

            tepping onto the meticulously    hedges further enhances the visual appeal,   One cannot overlook the captivating
            manicured front lawn of this month’s   imparting a sense of balance and rhythm to   water feature that graces the entrance to
       Swinning garden feels like entering   the landscape.                       the house, its gentle babbling creating a
        a sanctuary of tranquility. The garden                                    soothing ambiance. This element not only
        exudes a sense of calmness and harmony,   Amidst the verdant backdrop, bursts of   enhances the aesthetic allure of the garden
        captivating the eyes with its serene beauty.   vibrant colour emerge, courtesy of the   but also serves as a welcoming beacon,
                                             charming day lilies interspersed throughout   enticing visitors to explore further.
        At first glance, one cannot help but   the garden. Their cheerful blooms inject a
        notice the graceful curves delineated   delightful contrast against the lush greenery,   Overall, this month’s winning garden at
        by the Duranta hedges, which serve as   infusing the scene with a lively energy.   17 Pebble Beach is a testament to
        the backbone of the garden’s design.   Additionally, strategically placed specimens   thoughtful design, meticulous
        These hedges create a sense of flow and   such as the majestic, delicious monster   maintenance, and an unwavering
        continuity, guiding the gaze along the   and the ancient cycads add intriguing   commitment to creating an oasis of
        pathways and around the carefully curated   focal points, inviting closer inspection and   serenity amidst the bustling Silver Lakes
        plantings. The repetition of rounded   contemplation.                     Golf Estate.

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