Page 37 - Intra Muros March 2024
P. 37

COLOUR TRENDS                                                              it is important to consider your
                                                                                   favourite colours and individual style,
                                                                                   one may also want to experiment
                                                                                   with a trendy colour.

                                                                                   Tiny changes like adding new colours
                                                                                   to pillows or bedding can make a
                                                                                   major difference. The classic style of
                                                                                   matching the pattern for wallpaper and
                                                                                   fabrics seems more popular than ever.
                                                                                   Bedding that adds texture and depth is
                                                                                   quickly coming back into style. Texture
                                                                                   bedding has increasingly popular, from
                                                                                   ruffles and pleats to shaggy and quilted
       COLOUR                                                                      going big and covering the entire space
                                                                                   designs. Transform the bedroom by

                                                                                   in wallpaper.

                                                                                   What are the exterior home

                                                                                   One of the top exterior colours for this
        A colour trend is              trends                                      colours 2024?
                                                                                   year is dark blue. It easily lends itself to
        a direction that is                                                        various accent colours or natural wood
        developing or changing,             Many manufacturers rely on trend books

        as with fashion, which is           produced by style agencies. But there are   Rustic paint colours often fall in the
                                            also companies, such as Kartell, FLOS and   farmhouse colour palette, one of the
        constantly evolving.
                                            Morose that shape trends themselves,   most popular exterior house colours of
                                            drawing on the work of their designers.  2024. Farmhouse exterior colours dive
              olour trends are how we describe                                     into deep reds and stark white. A lighter
              certain colours or colour palettes   Every year the largest paint manufacturers   coloured exterior would pair well with
       C(selected groups of colours that    announce their trendy colours, but each   a few burgundy accents and likewise, a
        are used together) that become popular   company has its own way of determining   dark red exterior will be complemented
        at different times. Knowing about   the key shades and come up with its own   by white accents.
        colour trends is useful in design fields   colour palette based on available production
        like fashion and textile design, interior   capacities.                    Exterior brick and their paint colour
        design, product and packaging design                                       combinations also fall into this colour
        and web design, where new products are   The 2024 colours of the year are here  palette. You may wish to change the
        continuously emerging.              Soothing earth tones, deeply moody tones   brick paint colours to white and accent
                                            and various shades of blue are among the   with burgundy, or keep them as is and
        Several of the styles – statement   most popular colours this year.        accent with white.
        wallpaper, bold colours and striking tiles
        for example prove to have staying power.   No matter the colour, a fresh coat of paint   An earthy green colour can make for
        However, a few more innovative ideas   leaves an interior looking fresher, cleaner   an exquisite nature-inspired home. It
        have popped up as well. Among them are   and brighter. But finding the right interior   is perhaps more commonly used as an
        woodgrain millwork and design schemes   paint colour can be a challenge, whether   accent rather than the primary house
        with wellness offerings.            painting the living room, bedroom or   colour, but earth tones are adaptable to
                                            bathroom.                              either role.
        How a colour makes it into our
        homes                               When choosing a colour, it is important   When looking for stucco house colours
        Style agencies employ designers, artists,   to consider the lighting, the colour of   there is no better place to look than the
        art historians and sociologists who   existing furniture and the good mood one   earth tones. It reflects the surrounding
        search high and low for ideas floating   is trying to set. Lighter colours like creamy   natural landscape and the organic
        in the air. They may be inspired to start   white, silvery grey and muted pastels help   materials used to build the home.
        designing and formulating by the most   create the illusion of a larger, brighter
        trivial of things; a scarf an elderly woman   interior. Meanwhile, darker and moody   In general, earth tones are subtle and
        is wearing or something silly worn by a   blue make a bold design statement and   relaxing and blend well with any local
        child determined on having his way.  create a cosy and intimate feeling. While   scenery.

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